Matt Damon, stop talking. Just stop.
Here’s a real quote from Travolta on his love of the ladies: “I love everything about women, their weird hairless jawlines, their weird soft chests parts and their vaginas; all the parts of the vagina, the outer parts, and the stuff that’s like inside or something. I am genuinely so aroused by women, like real arousal…
Someone should alert all the local homeless so they can get free food from the good Christians.
Is it just me, or is this a bit insensitive? You spend a night outside, as some sort of challenge for a year’s worth of free food? In New York? Which, like all major cities, has a substantial homeless population?
OMG yes. “What are your diet/workout habits? How do you stay in shape? Do you have a stylist? Who are you wearing? Is it hard to do your job when your man-feelings get too strong?”
“By the same husband?” King inquired.
He’s kind of a bummer actually, but I can’t hear him over all this pre-marital fornicating and butt sechs I’m having.
Ok, I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong about her. But here’s the thing: There’s a difference between being ignorant and willfully ignorant. She’s recieved a fair amount of negative feedback - enough to at least make her question the hill she’s so willing to die on - and there hasn’t been any introspection or…
I say! I forgot this featured a young Dave Chappelle!
I think that’s a kind notion, and I share it. She seems to be one of those “lost” people that lurch from one dogma to another, clinging desperately to whatever answer they can be spoon-fed that makes sense of life, the universe and everything. Now she’s being used and exploited by people who don’t give a flying fuck…
I’d almost feel sorry for her, if she wasn’t such a horrible person. She’s on the wrong side of history, and her name is going to be invoked to signify small-mindedness and bigotry for years to come.
Exactly. Evangelicals believe Rome is the Whore of Babylon. I grew up in the Bible Belt, and in my Catholic school girl uniform was an easy target for the assholes.
She also technically “believes” in stoning brides who aren’t virgins and mixed fibers being an “abomination,” but she’ll never actually practice anything other than bigotry.
Why would she even seek out the Pope’s approval? She’s not Catholic. That’s like me seeking out approval from a Mormon leader despite being raised Catholic.
Yeah, like.... as an Apostolic Christian her faith definitely believes the Pope is going to hell. I highly doubt she’d want to meet with him, and vice versa.
Either she’s lying or Cool Pope’s an asshole.
there’s a 0.0% chance this is real