
This is ludicrous. and I dare ANYONE to tell me that they don’t pretend like they are modelling for J Crew while they hang out on the street wearing layered scarves and boots, holding a starbucks. It’s impossible.

you’re gross.

Awww! The underbite! The woolly fur! The little furry face!

“he’s fixed but loves to hump his monkey.” Yay, we should all be so lucky!

Adorbs! Is the other half Shih Tzu? I only ask because he reminds me of the Shih Tzu we had when I was growing up.

sooo cute


Those welfare recipients with no jobs and nothing better to do!

So if English becomes the official language does that mean they’ll start teaching it in schools?

This is particularly funny coming from Pennsylvania, a state which once had one of the biggest population of German speakers and whose largest tourist draw for populations is from a group that still speaks English as a second language.

Especially when they apparently have only a rudimentary understanding of the language themselves. “are” “offical”


Yep, but nope, because judges have to avoid the appearance of bias, and if he doesn’t want to perform marriages for same sex marriages but performs them for heterosexual couples, it shows that he is biased against gay citizens, who might appear before him in court. So he really should be tossed off the bench, since he

It’s always the people who are like, “Ice cream is an abomination. I don’t eat ice cream. Never have, never will. Y’all are gross for eating ice cream. It’s drippy and cold and nasty and sweet. And delicious. And it stands for everything I do not therefore you CANT HAVE ICE CREAM AT ALL. OR cookies...” who are eating

No, it’s a license to get married. Gay couples do not necessarily have anal sex. They may not even have sex at all. Just like with heterosexual couples.

I found it somehow fitting that he chose a woman who was a complete fraud. She’s a great metaphor for the GOP field as a whole.

...and who was Albanian, noted for her work in India. There’s just not a single thing about it that’s not laughable.*

“That’s not how you have a tryst in Liverpool! I should know”.