
Was it really a “huge shock” to learn that as people we aren’t amazing at every single thing?? Or that you don’t always win stuff? Or that sometimes people are better at stuff than you? I legitimately do not remember ever feeling “shocked” by any of those things, and I got a shit ton of participation trophies. These

And totally not necessary because by junior high, the vast majority of kids who aren’t super good at whatever sport aren’t even playing it anymore. That’s the real problem— the push to have kids specialize at a sport at like age 7. Travel teams for first graders. Three practices and two games per week in baseballs for

Sure, and that’s a great thing to start doing, maybe around jr high. These kids are in elementary school, ffs. I am usually firmly in the “we need to stop babying kids so goddamn much” but this is pretty ridiculous. Did he also tear down all the finger paintings off of the fridge? Like, I see the homage to Jackson

So you think that life won’t teach them that lesson? Because it does. Removing participation trophies is not some magical key to churning out motivated youths.

You don’t need to remind most kids on a sports team of that. The ones who aren’t very good are acutely aware of it.

I love how Harrison became an internet hero after he straight up yanked trophies out of his young children’s hands and was like “Earn it bitches!” In my book that makes him an asshole. Like even if you disagree with them receiving the trophies, taking them away and then being a dick about it on the internet for all

That but what really makes me eye roll is these people are my age. We lived this! This was daily life. Girls played with trucks and Big Wheels as much as the boys. We all played with Legos, not the pink version for girls. It was so normal nobody thought twice about it yet these assholes act like the world is ending

I’ve never understood why, as a society, we’re totally cool with little boys being dismissive or down-right hateful at girls. As if this is somehow inherent (and not something kids are soaking up like a sponge from the culture and adults surrounding them) and therefore natural and OKAY. The thinking being that we’ll

also i think her point, her protest if you will, was to bring attention to the fact that in poor countries with no access to tampons/pads, they are basically forced to “free bleed” - stay home, miss weeks of school, and fall behind because they have no choice.

I never get tired of showing this print ad from the 1970’s.

Every good Christian knows that Jesus was 6’1”, had blue eyes and light brown hair, and the build of a Greek god DUHHHH

but runners just shit all over themselves (google it) and literally have it running down their legs, possibly spraying it on others near them - that is something to outraged over more than a patch of period blood.

To put it another way, censorship is basically letting someone else decide for you rather than you doing it for yourself. I’d rather have the choice to see/read it or chose not to rather than have the media filter it through their lenses further. We don’t need more media minders to dumb it down and baby us any more

Cannot process nuance!

Why do you need to have it censored so badly, since you already know what it is...the logic goes both ways. Difference is, I’m not offended by it. I chose to click and read about it. If it bothered me, as it seems to bother you, why do you click and read it? That defies logic. It’s a choice. We are all adults we are

I just don’t get all the pearl clutching about this. The headlines clearly state what you are going to be seeing before you click: Marathon Runner’s Period Blood Stains - if you clicked after that to then be disgusted by the image after the fact, I don’t know what else to tell you.

i think if you run 26 miles, being smelly and uncomfortable is par for the course.

even if they didn’t cover it, you know what it is, so what is the point of covering it - it’s just not necessary to hide it (we all shit and half of us have periods). intentional shit, blood or not, we all know what we are seeing. but if you ask me, seeing someone with shit running down the legs is grosser, but more

“Why not use it as a means to draw light to my sisters who don’t have access to tampons and, despite cramping and pain, hide it away like it doesn’t exist?”

I don’t think society is asking too much for all of us to keep our fluids to ourselves.