
Taxpayers don’t pay for abortion per the Hyde Amendment. And only 3 percent — 3 PERCENT! — of the services Planned Parenthood provided last year were abortion-related (…). The overwhelming majority of Planned Parenthood’s services involve screening for and treating sexually transmitted

If it involves a medical doctor and my body, it’s fucking healthcare.

Taxpayers are regularly forced to pay billions for things they don’t “believe in” - and, btw, whether you believe in abortion or not, it exists; belief doesn’t make things real, that’s why god isn’t real - or, more correctly, things they don’t morally support. Why the holy fuck should Christians get special treatment?

Who is even talking about abortion? We’re talking about women who need pap smears, mammograms, and other cancer screenings. If we were talking about abortion, your point wouldn’t matter because the Hyde amendment prevents any tax dollars from being spent on abortions.

I don’t believe in funding wars or a military. How can I stop my tax dollars going to that?

first, pp provides much, much more by way of health care services than abortions. so defunding them means that (primarily poor) women will no longer have access to healthcare they need. second, tax money does NOT go toward funding abortions (hello hyde amendment) but even if it did, that is a shit argument. my tax

As a doctor and Alabama’s Governor, the issue of human life, from conception to birth and beyond, is extremely important to me.

Yep. Way to respect fetuses more than living, breathing women who want access to safe and cost effective health care.

“As a doctor...”

Even if the allegations against planned parenthood are true, can someone explain to me what the uproar is all about? I don’t get it.

The last black man to call somebody Honkey was George Jefferson.

“Then Kanye and I both reached a place where he would say really nice things about my music and what I’ve accomplished, and I could ask him how his kid’s doing...”

Headline tomorrow:

I’ve thought he was gay for YEARS.

Maybe he is going back to Marilyn

I don’t understand the people upset about this. He lied to her about having a child she didn’t know about for more than a decade. She wrote several songs still pining after her ex-boyfriend on her solo albums while she was married to him. Did y’all really think it was going to last forever???????

It’s not a tragedy contest. All you’re doing with a thought like that is shutting people down from doing anything at all.

I’d argue that perhaps westerners hear about Zimbabwe almost more than any other African nation due to Mugabe and the extremely corrupt government and elections. Also, due to their lax wildlife hunting laws and corrupt environmental officials.

Anyone else having conservative friends and family taking advantage of the situation and posting stuff equivalent to: “Its not ok to kill a lion but you can kill an unborn child?” So sick of nonequivalent comparisons. And its not like saying anything to them does anything but enrage them. blah. Poor Cecil.