
If the new premiere is 6 months later, isn't it bumped forward in time and not back?

I heard the ash was from Auschwitz

TRUMP: "Where is my wife?"

Snipes had to go and try prove that some motherfuckers actually are trying to ice skate uphill

Do androids dream of electric farts?

I wish they had given Beatty the best makeup/hair envelope. "And the Oscar goes to… Suicide Squad?"

Yes, but the stock market of 1929 has nothing to do with the Oscars, which is a group of professionals voting what they see as the best work of their peers once a year. If the academy as a whole was racist/homophobic/etc, Moonlight (or any other examples I gave) could not have won or even be nominated.

Nah, it would have been just as shitty and horrible for both parties, no more, no less. It was a mistake and an accident, not something that was done to oppress minorities (that would have been clear since Beatty was handed a wrong envelope).

Why would have that been worse?

So disappointed right now. I've heard several stories about Sir Patrick being extremely kind to people working in the service indistry, but I guess the rumours about him leaving a huge tip are just alternative facts.

She does have a smoking crack

Did anybody else notice the two characters on the right side of screen during Hood’s final walk out of the Banshee Police Department? I'm not saying they were the ghosts of Siobhan and Emmett, but looked too much like them to be a pure coincidence.

Any predictions about Hood's real name?

How about role theory?

See, you're proving my point. Thanks, you guys.

“Geek culture is home to some of the biggest assholes I’ve ever met in my life”
Sounds to me that he hasn't actually met any of these people. He's just read their tweets. Calling someone an asshole based on one tweet or comment on Youtube without actually meething him/her sounds harsh.

The thing that makes Elliott Smith so great to me is that hasn't got one bad song. I think they are all beautiful, sad or haunting (usually all three) and I find new things almost every time I listen to them and reading about the lyrics made me realise that I haven't really studied them that much.

What the fudge? Jess was the worst (although Logan was worse). Artsy fartsy emo punk. He had no friends because no one coukd stand him, so he read books and was mopy. Big fucking deal. Dean built a car. Dean was great and deserved a whole lot better than that two-timing elitist snob that Rory turned out to be.

"My name is Michael Weston…"