
Heres a huge tip: Don’t pee on your bike, your bike mechanic will thank you every time they see you.

Step 1: Get a boat

If he wanted to kill black people, why didn’t he just become a cop?

(after reading headline) Like beating the shit out of some of those sister-fucking Nazis?

The one good thing about HOAs is that they make it easy to avoid masses of people that are guaranteed to suck as neighbors (i.e., the kind of folks that choose to live there are assholes busybodies control freaks likely Republicans definitely people I don’t want to live near).

I’m sure there is some variation within a country. Like “chev-er-ley” and “chev-ra-ley”. Or “Dodge” and “giant heap of shit”

I wrenched bikes for years, I understand.

Because a race mechanic rides in a chase car.

great! now i know what to pack for a crosscountry bike tour my cycling tools Amazon wish list just doubled in size.

Ironically you need a car to haul it.

I have a belt-driven bike with an internal gear hub - anything special I should do re: my drivetrain?

Ah yes, forgot about cleat position. I think my right clear is a bit too far forward, so I need to adjust it. The fit of the shoe is great and I generally wear thin socks, but I think it’s likely a combo of cleat position and foot swelling.

hmm, thanks. any tips on how to adjust?

I had this problem a little bit with the moderately wide, moderately cushioned seat that came with my bike. I tried a wider, more cushioned seat. Still pain/numbness. Went wider and even more cushioned. Got even worse. Talked to a guy at a local bike shop, and then went the opposite direction— relatively thin, minimal