

@KaneRobot: Man, that's exactly wwhat I was about to say.

McCain shure did bring the hammer down.(Hey, I made a funny...)

Don't worry, I've heard worse. I should'verecorded it, but there was this guy on my cruise who absaolutely murdered Whitney Houston's song.


Makes sense. COD3 came out in 2006 and COD 4 came out in 2007


@excel_excel: A combination of Cutter Kirby, Yo-Yo Kirby, Hammer Kirby, Stone Kirby, Fighter Kirby, and Cook Kirby.

Uh oh. The Wii has hit superstar status.


I like El Fuerte and Rufus.

There are many threats to American values and GTA isn't onme of them. A more believable threat would be the flip-flopping politicians in Washington.

Ouch. I gonna go buy it.

@suya123: Yeah, it's pretty depressing to see the places where I used to play Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter just disappear and close down.

He's from Playboy...

Wow. almost 30 million.

I heard that Boom Blox sold just over 700 copies in Japan.

Looks awesome.

At least they didn't put in the red-eye effect this time.