
What good exclusives? I see A good exclusive.

Never say never.


Gambit/B.B. Hood/Megaman combo FTW!!!Royal Hunting Hyper(A combination of Royal Flush, Cool Hunting, and Hyper Megaman) for the kill.


Captain Commando for the Win!!!

Wait, they've commited crimes and they get to just play video games. We have some screwed up priorities these days.

@Belabras: Or the punch glove or acid spouting flowers. The electric buzzer. Brutality(Though they might as well be fatalities)= Joker Venom. Putting a smile on the opponent's face including the two ninjas.

Street Fighter III: Third Strike.

wow, no 360 title in the Top 30.

That'll be interesting.

Come on, it's not that bad. Plus, you've made him cry.

@Jesu: How about Elena?

Whatever, nerdy(a.k.a. not Peter Moore).

Speaking of birthdays, mine is tommorrow.

Damn you, Dunaway!!!!

@BPMο: I believe you're referencing this:

Man, that guy is even bigger than me!!!

@BelmontHeir: I think it's real too. One company can only shell out so many consoles They're already shelling more consoles than any other system at this certain point in their lifespan.