
@Fyren: That';s what I was thinking.

Too bad about Ninja Gaiden being done with, but I'm interested in this new project. I just hope that he does it right.(But then again, why should I be worrying?)

That's quite a message, PS3 owners have tiny penises. However, in most cases, that is true.

Madness? THIS IS KOTAKU!!!

Looks like the annual summer drought is going to seem longer.


Banjo seems a bit...different.

Looks like the next Animal Crossing.

Not the series revival I was hoping for, but oh well.

Ah Rockapella.I love Carmen Sandiego.

And here I thought that people would have problems with the size limit.

If you can't beat them, copy them. That's what everyone seems to do these days.

Of course.

I haven't played it yet, but from people who've played some of it already, they find it awesome.

So, does this mean that they're going to equip the seemingly-mandatory waggle?

Perfect update:Triple Epic RPGs

I hate Mondays.

I'll get Lost Winds and Defend Your Castle when I get to do so.