
Right next to a hamburger ad. Wii Fit or big giant burger? The fact that it's almost lunchtime is not helping right now.

No. Just no.

Westerners are not known for their modesty? Those are fighting words.

In other words, American companies better make some games for Nintendo or he'll find them and punch them out(Remember, Shiggy has a temper).

@Galivanting: Yeah, I had some sushi from a supermarket once and I ended up puking after eating it.

I frag honor students all of the time. My school is a Mag net school.

Consider me still a bit bitter about the Wiimote clone...


Looks like money printing week for Nintendo with Wii Ware, We Ski, and Deca Sports.

Wow, SNL has really gone down the tank in recent years.

So evil...

Very important. If I don't feel like playing something I porobably won't play it again until I'm bored. I'm around the end of Final Fantasy 12, but I can't finish it because I lost my disc. I rented it from Blockbuister a month ago and barely played it at all.

That was awesome.

That boxart is pretty stupid. Owen, aren't you the substitute teacher? You should know that "gooder" is not a word.

I'm not a beer drinker, but those are pretty cool.

I like the look but not thegame.

@Makoto: I wonder if we're gonna have a fake Owen anytime soon.

All the better to pwn you with. Tiger, Tiger, Tiger Uppercut(As Soon as you get close)