
Both Dakotas.

As my grandma used to say, “I’m sorry you didn’t make a better choice.”

“Pre-born” is post-fact.

The abortion rate is currently at its lowest point since Roe v Wade passed. Because we had Planned Parenthood and access for free birth control.

It’s not that I disagree with any of what you said, but considering this election was decided by ~100k voters in a few states there’s no more excuses for the significant portion of eligible voters that simply don’t bother to give a shit.

And if she does divorce him while he’s President, can you imagine the misogynistic assault the right wing would subject her to?

I think they’re informally separated. She basically vanished between the election and now, and every time he touches her in public she looks annoyed. And the thing about her not moving so Barron doesn’t have to change schools is lame. She just doesn’t want to live with him, and who can blame her?

Seeing both couples so much in the past few days has driven something home: There is much joy in the Obamas; there is very little in the Trumps.

By sparks, are you referring to the way to willingly partered individuals interact? And the lack thereof, how someone effectively enslaved by someone does?

Can they please do a show about impeachment?

Pictured: Trump’s inauguration crowd.


This is the dumbest scalper who did absolutely no research.

His official photo looks like Don Jr. just asked for another “last time, I SWEAR” loan.

It’s fair to say that so far the only entertainment they’ve been able to get for Trump’s inauguration is a cross burning.

I would rather read a collection of Amish romance novels (yes they’re a thing) rather than see this film. Oh who am I kidding, I’m always busting out a raunchy fap to ‘The Lusty Blacksmiths Daughter’

Anyone interested in my conspiracy theory about the leads in this franchise? No? Great, I’ll share anyway. I think that if Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan treated one another with anything BUT absolute and utter loathing, they’d be twilighted, with everyone obsessing about their undying love and speculating about

Come with me

well, its certainly masturbatory.