
Some people listen to rain storms while they work, others listen to a camp fire... Me? I listen to this video on repeat.

Too bad it was too late to get in consideration for a COTD, eh? ;-)

I think he said that the tub is made out of one cock...
John Davis is great, I like his pronunciations just fine, it adds flavor/personality to the video. Most can't pull that sort of flair off, but he's such an icon that it adds a personal touch.

And if it were Florida, someone shitting by the roadside, completely naked of course, would be struck by the runaway bike. A woman on meth would tuck and roll out of a car at full speed at the sight of a free bike only to realize she doesn't know how to ride and ends up crashing into a van transporting a locally

This was from his first timed lap in Q3. What I loved was how he was still ~1.4 seconds faster than Hamilton somehow despite almost losing at the end of the lap there.

I would like to see a race results quick toggle option available for all logged in users. It could be a simple button at the top of the screen that filters stories with appropriate tags. I would think it to be a relatively easy feature to implement. As it stands right now, I just avoid Jalopnik all race weekend long

Reading through the comments here its pretty clear that a number of Jalops are new to F1 results being ruined at various places around the web. Did you seriously expect this place not to front page the results of the worlds biggest motorsport?

Well before you build "it" you to have the appropriate technology. How do you create that? Research. In my opinion, the largest push needs to be into the realm of energy storage, i.e. batteries. This is already an area getting much attention, but I believe it to be the last piece of the puzzle that is required. Solar

If it goes before congress, as it will do before any choice is made, there will be a plan and you may judge it on its merits at that point in time. If its literally a letter saying "give 2,000,000,000 to me for green energy" then I'll be right there along side you against it. I'm not necessarily for the plan (because

As someone who works with tax dollars from the NSF I assure that plenty of it gets put to real scientific use.

Electronics, at least the requried stuff, definitely add to the cost of a car, but really aren't power hungry so the contribution to fuel inefficiency is negligible.

The goal isn't to increase MPG, its to eliminate it (potentially). Money is very much a problem in this area of research, I should know, I'm suffering from a direct lack of funding myself.

I completely agree that throwing money at something isn't a solution, but there is a plan beyond that. Why bother understanding the

Perhaps you should consider where are you tax dollars for this research are going. I'll give you a hint, a vast majority of it isn't to these corporations. If they were already putting in the effort to ensure a stable energy future (in the case of a major supply disruption), the government prodding wouldn't be

Solnydra failed because the market price went out from under them. They weren't a terrible investment at the time (though not the best), but they were crushed by a flood from China, partially the pay off from their investment... In the end, there are going to be failures along the way, we'd be stupid to think otherwise

I hate to state the obvious, but you can get a pretty decent E39 M5 for that amount of scratch...

Yeah, god for bid we spend some money investing in the future. No one disgrees that we run out of fuel, the debate is simply over when. Other countries that we're competing with are dumping tons more money into this than we are and if we want to have a hope of remaining competitive we better not be 20 years behind

I'm sure we'll see a helluva devleopment race throughout the season seeing many teams at/near the front swap places a number of times. Red Bull will hopefully be held back at least as much as they were last year just to keep things interesting.

The links you seek are available online right now. I won't link to them as I'm sure it violates some sort of policy here and, honestly, if you know what a magnet link is, you know how to search.

How not to load a car, Ford Probe edition...

Thank you for applying brain thinkings here. I was digging through comments trying to hope that someone would recognize what was actually going on.

Now playing

And the link that didn't work properly....