Never trust a writer whose purported villain is sexier than his hero.
Never trust a writer whose purported villain is sexier than his hero.
That's a whole lotta season two-specific hatred. How'd you ever finish watching the season with that much frustration?
I've watched quite a bit (more than my fair share) of reality tv, and Sara is the first contestant that I would sucker punch just for the hell of it. And I might even follow that up by kicking her in the shin. Both shins.
I could not possibly dislike Sara more. What a mean spirited, unhappy person she is. I wish she had been voted out long ago, because it makes me ill to watch her.
"Giant fucking face."
I love you.
Also Sprach Zarathustra - sigh. Sadly used by my alma mater at the start of all football games. Talk about lazy (and overly hopeful) usage.
I understand it quite well, actually. I just feel that the discussion is being had solely at The Artist's expense, as opposed to an open discussion about how it is common to use music as "I want you to feel sad, so I'm going to use something that made you sad in a movie I saw."('see' almost every time Ode to Joy is…
I went to high school & college with Milan. Loved her then, love her now.
and again (see my bitchy rant below), so what?
right. And didn't you see how the white people had to swoop in and start the movement going? cause self-determining black people is so confusing for screenwriters and aspiring southern novelists. And don't get me started on JSFoer.
being a mixture of Cha'ston blood (SC, not WV; and, drop that r and l, honey) and Blue Ridge/Appalachia blood, his accent is fine.
I am sick to death of the specious argument about the Vertigo score (which was itself quite the musical appropriation), so I will be a total douche and repost my comment from when Kim Novak was metaphorically raped by The Artist. (I am not an apologist for The Artist and whatever creative vision led to the use of the…
I agree with @avclub-2d0cca95ad6a2061d208d765e79af478:disqus here. I thought that of recent Malick fillms, Thin Red Line and New World were better than Tree of Life; although, I did really like Tree of Life (except for the coda).
Well, it is certainly true that not every film can be as captivating as Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, or as instructive as The Help.
"and the way he moves in the world is as if he’s swimming. Most of his
movements and most of his gestures are very fluid. The way he walks in a
room, the way he puts his hands in his pockets, the way he talks to
people, all of it"
But I think these showrunners are pretty smart - so to use such an obvious device, with a story that is common (person sees/draws future, including said person's own death) - what were the showrunners really trying to get us to see, by telling us such a very familiar story? What arc in this story is the obvious,…
It seems to me that with the X-Files there are the regular episodes, which vary in quality, and then there are the Darin Morgan episodes, which are spectacular.
"And you ain’t exactly the one to be levelin' criticisms on the score of being slow to adapt."
I imagine he is currently writing about the Rwandan genocide from the pov of a goat who sees it all. White goat, of course.