I keep going back and forth on this - thinking that it would…well, you said it all and better: the stuff about memory and identity.
I keep going back and forth on this - thinking that it would…well, you said it all and better: the stuff about memory and identity.
Yeah it is always used in teen dramas to signal budding romance…but in a Fringe episode, Fade Into You also nicely points to the FOTW story, with our invisible man Bryant who basically fades into people and saps out their pigment, and whose primary goal is to be seen/noticed and thus validated.
I agree on Shane's potential; although I don't think this new crew of showrunners has done a particularly good job of really exploiting it. That being said, the Otis-Shane stuff was good, and hopefully the writers won't screw up the handling of the fallout from it.
it seems that her analyses and feelings are all mixed up and parasitically linked to her condition.
I liked the scene, too - I only wish that it had come at some other time, and didn't feel so constructed just to show us how uber really extraordinarily bad things are going for Tara right at this moment.
I thought the timing of Wendy's return was more than heavy handed. I prefer writer strings to be something I don't see in such an obvious manner.
Let's just say what we are all thinking (Ok, so some of you have already said it):
Poor Lem. 'nough said.
what you said.
The good:
You're right about the female casting; although, Veronica seems more apt to be pals with the fellas. And there were a ton of females in S03, but those ladies mostly just came off as shrill.
I liked everything about this episode…until Peter pulled off the sheet on that damn tv. And then I screamed and threw bricks.
I have to admit that although Jackie does get more tolerable as season 2 progresses, at the end of the day I just hate the character. Perhaps this isn't so much the character - maybe I just dislike Tessa Thompson's interpretation of the character.
I replayed the ending a couple of times just to giggle over his constipated look as the boat heads away from shore.
Cassie was epically stupid in this ep. I am now watching in hopes that bad things happen to her.
*big smile
As I remember it, it alternated between a terribly boring reality show, and a terrifyingly realistic documentary on survival.
That was the Season With the Location That Shall Never Be Revisited: Survivor: Africa…where there were serious water issues, no respite from the heat except a lone tree, and pretty much everyone suffered from severe dehydration and/or a wasting disease involving diarrhea. Apparently the producers realized too late…
you have hit on the only relevant question to all episodes of OUaT.
Having read several weeks of comments, I think believability is the least of the problems that critics and commentators have with it. Everyone went in accepting the fairy tale premise.