
I think you are right - they honestly seem to believe they are being clever. But Angela Carter they are most certainly not.

I suspended a shit-ton of disbelief while watching, but all in all I liked it. At least it isn't another godforsaken cop/medical/coroner procedural.

concur. I loved all of their appearances.

You're welcome. Was watching it on my computer. With earphones, which sorta negated Claire Danes' mumbling.

nice catch. Estes' reaction to the fight does indeed seem strange, and the screen caps below are intriguing.

His lie about adultery, knowing she was there? He was inviting her to play chicken.

Brody says "The Irish don't puke" and she responds "Nah, only when we have to salute the British." Then they laugh.

I agree. it's the glasses. sooo hootttt. damn Bryce Dallas Howard and her bewitching ways.

holy crap. you're right. Just had to rewatch to make sure.

I dunno - having watched enough soap operas in my life (thanks grandma) employ the amnesia storyline to sometimes very interesting dramatic effect, I am curious about the plot/arc opportunities that could be available if Peter had to stay in the amberverse, and establish connections with those he knew in some other

I definitely agree with you on this.

I try to avoid crushing on characters in my fav shows, but I gotta admit, Lincoln seems so, as you say, well-adjusted and normal and intuitive in the amber world. He is definitely hot.

Like Hot Rod says, Charlie is honeymooning with Bug Girl. Was a throwaway line a couple eps back.

I love S1 and S2; although there are a couple of S2 eps I don't really care for. S3 is interesting - I really enjoyed the attempts of Logan and Veronica to negotiate their relationship - in all of its forms - in S3; but the mini-cases and that one *cough* annoying larger mystery arc are just generally awful.

I agree with @twitter-35143468:disqus about the progression…but, I have been mulling something over since Linc's conversation with Juice. Why the IRA as opposed to the cartel? I mean, maybe I am actually proving @avclub-d3a8b7e791870f66db86d84de72c7dad:disqus 's point about rehashing the old, but wouldn't there be

VIKINGS! Named … Elijah! … and Rebekah! With cave paintings!

Best episode of the season so far (although Heather Barnes Teen Demon still had the most effective creepy scenes).

I am now rethinking my position on Just Desserts. That was an A+ meltdown.

"And there hasn't been much mainstream fantasy on network television of late, so it's a pretty low bar." Very good point.

truly. he is not an ugly man.