
I’ve seen a lot of this on social media lately, attacking people who mostly like Sanders and think he’s an important policy voice. There’s a lot of conspiratorial thinking, a lot of bad-faith attacks on Warren (quite a few of which have been deeply sexist), and extreme vitriol from people who clearly have nothing to

“Actually, I do not recommend she stand by Germán.
-Tammy Wynette

Yeah, this sounds exciting, but it’s going nowhere just like the 85 other issues the House Democrats have held hearings on, because they don’t have the balls to push back on the administration’s stonewalling. 

Why limit it to veterans? There are plenty of non-veteran homeless that need help, too.

As a Cubs fan, I can confidently say that opposing pitchers’ celebrations are the least of Kyle Schwaber’s problems.

He doesn’t start that one very strong...

As a much maligned great woman once said “It’s all about the Benjamins”. Just like the Rapepublicthugs, the mainstream Dems don’t want to lose all that big donor money. They don’t want to go back to pre-Citizens United, even if they say they do.  Primary them all!

The single most expensive contributor to rising healthcare costs in the US are the administrative expense ratios of private insurers.  This is not in question, except for people who want to obfuscate the issue by talking about providers or prescription drug companies or literally anything else.  This is like the

In the rest of the civilized world, people like Sanders and Warren are the center. Our politics are so poisoned by the minority rule of the Electoral College, the Senate and gerrymandering and the lobbying bribes and toxic right wing propaganda (Fox et. al.) of evil billionaires that we are skewing far right.

Nail on head. My wife’s dad was a lifelong Ford employee and union guy (who took a retirement package at age fucking 50 in 2006, before the bottom dropped out). Huge Trump guy. Loves him. Says he’s got “brains and balls.” Love love love. He’s gonna fix everything! Everyone else is just a moocher who “didn’t work as

This is the multi-trillion dollar question. If taxes paid for our shared health care expenses, not only would they be significantly cheaper without the profit skimming of private insurance parasites, we would not be at the mercy of our greedy employers.

Personally I’m tired of these striking workers and I wish GM would hire me and some of my pals to break up strikes like we used to in the 1930’s.

In his defense, he was told that, after the season, there’s a chance he could go back to the minors.

Subway has reached out to his agent on his availability.

“People always say that weird shit about being rewarded for investment or innovations. Aren’t investments and innovations rewards for their own sake?”

When capitalism is prevented from running amok with sensible legislation, it has been great for this country. When it hasn’t been legislated, it has caused crash after crash.  I think that’s what she’s trying to say.

It strikes me as absurd, then, to knock Warren for being wonky. Inequality can only be solved by growing the power of organized labor and, even more importantly, via the tax code. The tax code is wonky. Tax policy is wonky. It is also the most powerful tool for fixing what ails us.

I mean, even beyond a wealth tax, if the switch to M4A happens quick enough in the Democrat President’s term, do you think Republicans can even sell the various rich forces within it’s own party that they now have to put healthcare back on companies again let alone the rest of America? Once it’s in place, there might

Fun fact - they’re gonna try to do that anyway! Hell, they’ll cheat to do that anyway (see, McConnell. M.). The idea that we should purposefully restrict our own ability to do fundamentally good things on the off-chance (LOL) that later down the line the Republicans might try to do bad things is so bizarre I can’t

But Biden’s whitesplained reason for working at a segregated swimming pool to learn about black people might be the most disconcerting part of this story.