
Yeah, that's something that also bothers me. The pyro should come just as he does the pose, not when he just walks out.

Leave all the comedy to whoever did Southpaw Regional Wrestling and Fashion Files (maybe same person?)

Also, why did they ruin Shinsuke's already perfect entrance with random BOOM sounds (with no pyro)? It throws the whole thing off.

Yeah, I had heard mixed things about their more recent shows so I was kinda skeptical but the show I saw was a blast (night before New Year's Eve 2011, I think), band looked like they were having a great time, sounded excellent.

I binged it like 8 or 9 years ago and thought it was great, then I tried rewatching it last year since my girlfriend wanted to check it out but I found it really dated

Oh, also Tom Waits. I don't know if he's basically retired from touring now or what, or why he refuses to not play anywhere remotely near NY.

I got into Molina's work literally 2 weeks before he died. I was wondering how it took me so long to listen to his stuff, then reading one day that he passed away. That sucked.

Yes, GG. Definitely from a distance, possibly while wearing a poncho.

Prince is the big one for me. He had that run of MSG shows a few years ago. Kept trying to get the cheap seats (all I could afford at the time) but they kept selling out right away. Alright, guess I'll catch him next time.

He said in some interview that he doesn't necessarily believe the Earth is flat, but that he finds the argument "interesting"… whatever that means.

A heel Alpha vs. Breezango feud would be great. They can have AA bash the crowd for forgetting all about them and turning to a comedy team while they are real, serious athletes.

Samson is getting huge heat (and he even gets a nice pop when he's introduced). I love his "Please hold your applause…" line. Makes everyone want to see his ass get kicked. I'm actually surprised he's getting so over on the main roster.

I guess he wasn't the demon because they wouldn't make him lose as the demon already. He'll probably use it when it's his turn against Lesnar (which I guess he'll lose anyways, but makes more sense there)

injured again, although apparently only for another few weeks

The women's match was so confusing. The whole buildup was how Alexa kept making fun of Bayley for being like a little child who isn't able to get "EXTREME" and then the match happened and… the heel Alexa was totally 100% right! It basically confirmed that Bayley is a child with no guts. Huh?

It's funny, a couple of weeks ago I thought it would be cool if they did a noir/damsel in distress mystery angle with Breezango and Summer Rae and then when tonight's Fashion Files started and that silhouette appeared I thought I might have to get a tin foil hat.

I'm predicting Carmella wins MITB with Ellsworth's help. It's perfect for her character, getting to wave it around and taunt the champion.

I'm guessing they were running out of time. A few SD main events have ended weirdly and rushed since they can't go over time on SD

Hah, I've noticed it sometimes looks like that as well when the crowd does it really fast. Someone who had no clue about what was going on might get the wrong impression

Ween - Buckingham Green