
Well, here’s that $30k Tesla they promised us years ago...

I’ve always wondered:
Let’s say, gas is $2.999/gal, if I got the the pump to stop at EXACTLY 1.000 gallons, and went inside and gave them $3, wouldn’t they legally have to give me my change of $0.001? And, if so... HOW?

World Rally Blue from Subaru. Beautiful on almost every car they put it on.

Pricing psychology. I know you intellectually KNOW that $4.99 9/10 is essentially $5 per gallon, but your brain still sees it as closer to $4 per gallon. Same reason many prices end in .99 — same psychology.

It was an unemployed homeless transgender athiest Muslim illegal immigrant homicidal rapist pedophile drug-lord kingpin from Mexico hired by George Soros, Barack Obama, and Bill Gates that was actually driving the boat.

Every single conspiracy wacko I have ever met has been incapable of handling uncertainty, chance, bad luck, chaos and randomness. They are such control freaks that they cannot handle that bad shit just happens. Effing small minded cowards. 

and you’re likely to save a few cents per gallon over using the pump-mixed mid-grade gasoline

The 5-series doesn’t even have the Hofmeister Kink anymore!

There’s a tool in the census website that shows you recent migration trends. And you sir are correct.

He will very likely be the best thing about the series.

Goggins steals the show anytime he is on screen. It happens in The Righteous Gemstones, too.

This is great, now instead of seeing the Feds from a mile away, I can see them approaching from the moon.

Guessing you have a good example of a game being turned into a movie/tv show that deviated from the source material and ended up being better?

Throw in Wheel of Time while you are at it

He’s definitely not wrong.

Don’t change stuff from the source material and you’ll please 95% of the fans, sadly hollywood tends to fail on this point over and over again....

Well, he isn’t wrong. You’ll never please everyone. That said, if you don’t try and adhere to what makes the original so beloved then you’re not going to make anyone happy.

Then where are we going to get videos of:

ICE car. 300k miles. 100% capacity gas tank.

yes, Panasonic built great batteries ahah