
I agree 100%. At first I asked my wife to just run the claim through our own insurance since I felt that is what we pay them for. Let them deal with getting the money from AAA, etc. The adjuster said he would absolutely file the claim for us, but asked her to speak to another person first. I forgot the other persons

Because of Bombadil’s vague nature, Rings of Power will be able to take a few liberties of its own in adapting the character

Another thing of note: The minimum Liability Coverage is waaay to low to reflect the rising costs of repairs.

It’s an Ad.

AdBlock Plus still seems to be working fine on Youtube as of this morning.

This is great and all but I know people who would trade in a paid off vehicle that gets 20mpg to buy a new vehicle with a monthly payment and (probably) higher insurance because it gets 40mpg.....

I did address the ICE vs EV in my original comment - but we have to also consider what the humans are doing to have a fully accurate picture of the entire situation.

I have a feeling this will continue to be the trend until the prices on new cars and interest rates drop.

I disagree - If the cause of an increase in humans being hit by cars is due in part to them performing non-pedestrian activities - then it is worth nothing that information and adding it to study findings.

Quite a bit actually.

yeah the entire premise of unlimited PTO is to avoid termination payout.

oh yeah, it is crazy how bad it can be for employee’s in other states. My wife has been a remote worker since 2010 and her company was bought and sold a few times. The last buyout put the HR and main office in Florida.

Those 4 items are HUGE factors that are ignored by all the studies about collisions between vehicles and humans.

We are on our second Travel Trailer, Paid cash for both and bought both used.

Why are they knocking Big Vehicles and off-road specific vehicles with big tires for fuel economy. They are not designed or marketed to be fuel efficient. You take those numbers away and the Tahoe, Bronco and Jeeps go up a bit in satisfaction.

Would be nice to know how many of the drivers who were behind the wheel of the EV were distracted at the time they hit the pedestrian.

I see two entries for heated Steering wheels and one with Seats as well - but nothing about Air Conditioned Seats?

They did not tell me I had to throw away that weight - just that it could not be on the checked bag. I even think the airline employee suggested that I move items to my Carry on......

Outside of a 3 week European trip where I shared a very large bag with my wife I tend to only do carry-on.

Last year, the city hired a community enhancement staffer to identify code enforcement violations throughout the city that needed to be remedied, said Nick Borges, acting city manager and Seaside police chief.