It is a shame that someone had to die in order for her to be punished for such awful behavior behind the wheel.
It is a shame that someone had to die in order for her to be punished for such awful behavior behind the wheel.
Big Cars have always been around, yes when a big car hits a smaller car or a human the results are worse than when a small car hits a small car, but there is more to the increase in collisions and injuries than just size of the vehicle.
It’s pretty incredible that Lucasfilm is drawing a line at being associated with this fun car wash while seemingly having no problem being associated with The Last Jedi and The Rise Of Skywalker.
I would add to that a Manual Civic from the Era or a Manual Corolla.
I can only think that sloppy joe really likes using his phone while driving and gets upset when anyone points out just how dangerous that is.....
wow you are grumpy - also not very good at arguing a point if you have to resort to calling names. All I did was point out that Phones need to be considered when they rarely are.
1 - Not a booomer, born in 1978.
The problem is humans relying on their cars to avoid collisions for them since they are too busy looking at their phones........
Parents 1995 Suburban - 70mph - all 4 tires off the ground while blasting through an uncontrolled 4 way intersection in a mountain neighborhood, usually done in the evening so we could see other cars through the trees as we approached the intersection.
He tracked most of the car thefts to the known fencing operation. Not really that hard for the police to do the same and shut those places down.
Mark Rober has been doing a great job with this video series. Hopefully this latest one will lead to a bigger crackdown on the fencing operations since without those the thief’s will have a harder time reselling the stolen items.
Yeah it is no good having the highest electrical rates in the entire nation.
I knew that would trigger someone. Nice job taking the bait.
I really hope these sell well so the Used Market has some to choose from at a more reasonable price. I own my truck and my second vehicle will soon be paid off..... buying a new truck or SUV means a giant payment I cannot afford.
But the Tesla Fan Bois tell me that the Silver Triangle is gonna sell 250k units a year and take over the truck market...... Maybe ford is just bad at making trucks.......... (please read my sarcasm)
Now if only California would do the same for Electricity Rates.
Am I the only one having a hard time telling which screen shot is real and which is the video game?
Would be nice if they included drivers distracted by phone/tablet/laptop use while driving.
It is Cute Tesla think’s they will be building and selling 250,000 of these things per year..... At this point I feel it will be a long time before they sell a total of 250,000 - if they ever sell that many.
Yes just the Tahoe to start with and it did get much better mileage than the standard ICE - but the vehicles costs was much higher and the Recession Market just killed sales.