
“Capitalize all words in titles of publications and documents, except a, an, the, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, up, and, as, but, or, and nor.”

I don’t think Polish-ed or Polish-ing are actual words. Your gripes with the TITLE are unfounded. “A” and “In” should be in lowercase, however, that would not address your complaint, nor your inability to understand context.

That’s called “Title Caps”... it’s standard in publishing.

That a small, free, five-minute game would be a fantastic way to spread malware.

Sounds like a fantastic way to spread malware.

My favorite scene in all of Good Eats, and I so wish I could find a clip.


By amateurs you mean people with a modicum of intelligence? There’s nothing impressive or to be proud of for playing a game for extravagant lengths of time at once with absolutely no concern for your own health - saying that as somebody who did a 48 hour stint on WoW a decade or so ago.

And this is why I would never, EVER, seriously consider living in New York city.

So the public, police, and cosplayer all acted in a somewhat reasonable fashion.

Ok look this was a pretty cool novelty at $60 but any more than that, no thanks. I’ve bought all of this stuff numerous times over the years and have no qualms about emulating it now which I can do easily and have better features, a longer controller cord, and more games. Buying shit like this at these prices just

Shep -

Shep -

Why the fuck would you leave extremely valuable but mundane objects at your parents’ house, in the care of people who do not know and could not understand their value? And why would you do so after moving out?

+1 for this comment and for every current and former GameStop employee that got your Corporate Kool-Aid reference.

Identity theft. Just part of the circle of life.

When I first saw this I thought it was for the PC, I got super excited. Very disappointed it’s PS3 and PS4 only.

When I first saw this I thought it was for the PC, I got super excited. Very disappointed it’s PS3 and PS4 only.

Any religion that gains popularity will have people using it for good and people using it for evil