
So when are these Youtubers going to realize this is nothing against them personally? Youtube’s system blows and we all know it. It’s been fact for years and years. Couple that with Nintendo’s strict copyright enforcement you’re going to get stuff taken down.

It’s Playnite.

Too be fair, the slur is there prominently in the original art.

it’s also clearly ripped off from Raymond Pettibon, the original piece is from Black Flag’s Police Story and it does not have the police badge with the homophobic geek speak on it.  

I think the secondary is the gamer’s personal emotional experience of a game. In Sekiro, part of the game loop is finally defeating that tough-as-nails boss and the feelings of accomplishment that comes with it. Players who felt this experience believe this is the proper experience for the game.

People keep asking why this is a thing (others judging how someone plays a game, especially a single player one), and I think the main reason is pretty simple:

Or you raise a child playing strategy games since he was 1. What starts with a game as simple as animal upon animal becomes a heavy euro eventually if you ramp up slowly. My son is now 9 and perhaps it’s him that is letting me win 60% of the time. ;)

I want to put some things in perspective when it comes to Steam’s various problems: Steam has over 100 million active accounts, 45 million active users per day. That’s greater than the population of many countries. How can you expect Steam, a company with fewer than 1000 employees, to react quickly to problems (to say

Izzo: “What the fuck are you doing! You’re plodding around out there like fucking Frankenstein!”

Kotaku had an entire article about it. It’s in the “Related Stories” section.

There’s a flag in Arnold that will halt the render if it loses connectivity to the license server. This is actually a recommended flag to add (at work we run a python script in maya to set all these types of attributes before the render job is sent to the farm so that we can catch errors quickly). 

Or stand-up comedians will joke about ANYTHING, especially with one another because people in that line of work don’t actually believe that hardly anything is actually off limits. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh man, there’s a whole subreddit for custom KSP enclosures. Check out r/kerbalcontrollers 

You mean a bluetooth speaker that connects to your phone that has a mic on it that is also listening? 

My buddy was over this weekend, hes only ever played the 2 numbered entries. I started the BBS fragmented passage when he was over and we watched the opening cut scene, I was like “oh man spoilers dont watch” he said dont worry after KH2 i have no idea wtf is going on lol

Silver Lining: The Kingdom Hearts plot is so batshit that even the most die-hard fan stumbling head first into a spoiler video probably won't have any clue what's going on.  

Gamers in the 2010s: Competition bad! Spending five minutes to install a launcher is hard!

Let’s tally it up, we’ve got: Steam, Bethesda, Origin, Uplay, BattleNet, GoG, and now Epic throws in it’s hat.

He said: “the real problem is with people not taking security seriously.

I’m assuming this is sarcasm. Because otherwise the word choice in here: