
Thank you for your service.

whoa whoa whoa, wait, what? Developers can choose to disable family sharing?

Is there a list of games someone has which have family sharing disabled? I’m assuming this is very uncommon, haven’t noticed the issue with any other games.

ETA: Oh, I forgot what family sharing was, exactly. This is fine. Carry on!

Never did Railroads. Does it have the supply/demand industrial/consumer mechanics of RT3 in it? Was pretty educational as a kid with no real understanding of logistics.

I think the crowning achievement for this genre will be when I can recreate a scheme as convoluted as Gould & Fisk’s Black Friday.

Kotaku is a Kinja site. Compete is subordinate to Kotaku, which also gives the effect of showing up on Kotaku RSS feeds.

It’d be a very controversial move if you were already a major player, of which there’s currently one in the PC space, arguably two.

Either could MAYBE pull this off potentially with a lot of customer attrition, because they still command the market with a library in the tens of thousands. Without the library, you have

It’s superior to the “simulated rollercoaster pod” tracks I remember, could go in there... PCoaster already has stats for them.

Archive team is the best. They’ve taken up nearly a whole HDD array of mine (with 8TB spinners!). -But it’s all worth it to see these community gems preserved.

Genuinely curious (expecting someone to mention something enormous, and then I feel like an idiot) - are there any physical games (board, card... toothbrushes) which’ve been a hit which required the use of a phone or tablet?

Sufami Turbo and Virtual Boy both prettttty awful. They had some other awful hardware releases around those times, too, like when all the Japanese hardware manufacturers decided $500-$2500 boxes (+ insanely expensive monthly subscription) to connect to satellite dishes were the future.

Yeah - she took to previous board games, which is why I threw a couple or few into each year’s gifts. It’s not all board & card games. Pandemic’s rated for 8 y/o, though age ratings are pretty hit-and-miss. Worst case, it goes in the closet for a year or two and we try again later. She likes the similar-themed PC

Glad to see DF getting some love! They also did Liberal Crime Squad, which hasn’t been updated (IIRC, there’s a... Jonathan Fox? who’s been unofficially updating it every blue moon) and it’s WEIRD, in a good and perhaps very topical way.

My unintended habit is to do a “take my shit” drive where I give almost everything but PC and clothes (and a couple boxes of ramen ‘cause they’re easily stackable and important) away to friends whenever I decide I’m bored with living in a particular state. Daughter not so much on board with “give all your crap away

Gift-giving (mostly the shopping) makes me very anxious, so I pre-purchase all my gifts and put them in a spreadsheet currently to 2024 (yeah, really!).

By age, here’re pre-bought board games on list for daughter as she ages, for ideas:
5 - Catan Jr | 6 - Moose Farkel, Quiddler, S’quarrels | 7- Sequence, Apples to

God damn, everything I buy is “gamer-quality,” now. I drink my gaming fuel in my gaming chair with my gaming mouse & keyboard, connected to my gaming motherboard with gold-plated gaming capacitors (made in SKorea if first-tier). I look at my gaming monitor with my gaming glasses while wearing my gaming shirt, reading

As an alternate workaround to “too many downloads” issue, can add the original Drive file to your Drive, then make a copy of it in your Drive, then download.

Is this the post-post-modern equivalent of putting a jar of mayonnaise on cable TV for ratings and to make fun of people putting meaning to it?

I bet the footage of the user doing that’s even more entertaining.

Ooooo! New Twitch genre. All the viewers see is the person, NOT the game, and they have to guess which game the person’s playing by their gestures.

Necromancer giraffe man fan art, please

Since Nexus already tracks which mods we’ve downloaded (and could track those we currently have installed via NMM), I’m surprised donations don’t go toward those mods specifically instead of being distributed across all mods across all games. This is superior to their existing Paypal badgering, though — ‘cause I love

Cuphead, published by EA?