Real answer... All of them.
Real answer... All of them.
I was rejetting my beemer’s carbs, which, without a dyno, can be a slow process (especially because these are not the stock carbs and the intake/exhaust are also not stock, so it’s not like there’s a recipe). I’m at the point where I believe the main and pilot jets are correct, but am still working on atomiser/needle…
The radiator cap. I need to go screw a new car underneath it at some point this year.
I’m up to date right now on the fleet as far as required maintenance. I have a full shifter rebuild to do, and the parts in the garage for the ‘00 Z3 but that’ll wait till its warmer, and ideally a 2.8 engine swap, the engine is here too.
It’s 11F in my garage and even colder outside, I’m hard pressed to check my oil and fill up the washer fluid.
Stop-and-go traffic is about as efficient as you get. Regen braking when you come to a stop, zero power used when stopped, and quick instant torque to get going. 18mph sure is a useless number to prove anything besides give a big result, but if they bumped it to 35mph and got a similar figure, that is much closer to…
Nobody is buying the cars we dont sell
The only annoying part here is that the RSX was the renamed Integra, not a Prelude or anything else. By calling the new model the Integra instead of the RSX, they did away with any possible continuity on that name.
But we can still be mad that it’s yet another crossover, regardless of the name, right?
No beer drinkers or winos - it’s the hard stuff only there!
Ryanair pulling out of all British airports then. Because there is no way that Brits will consent to flying anywhere without enough booze in them to pretty much kill an average Midwest town.
Collective punishment is never the answer. Not my problem.
The “go back to South Africa” line is just *chef’s kiss*.
I am absolutely loving this terminology, but actually both are frequently true at the same time. The river bottom isn’t solid at all. It’s constantly changing, a source of endless frustration for the US Army Corps of Engineers that has to maintain the channel. But hey, it keeps dredge boats in business.
If your BMW is off by 4 PSI, I’m pretty sure it just self-destructs. I mean, look what happened to that M4 guy whose tires were only 1.5 PSI off...
Rougher than napkin math but my rule of thumb has always been, for every 10 degrees down, you lose 1psi. So if your garage is 60 and it’s 20 outside, you’ll lose 4psi. Not a huge deal if your tires are at 30. If you’re at 20, though, that’s a 20% drop. Especially if you drive a BMW.
Further complicating matters, the Coast Guard says it’s been dealing with exceptionally low water levels