
In season one, didn't the plane break up at cruise altitude (say 36,000 ft-tiny contrail in the sky) somewhere between Australia and Los Angeles? Here it appears to break up at 2-3000 ft as if landing (plane looks huge from the ground). Why the contradiction in a basic reality??? Does it mean anything or did the

Polar bear's don't take prisoners when it comes to humans……

No, it is not bad. The trusted person that betrays is always seen as more evil than the open enemy.

Surprised they didn't burn Jon as soon as possible. I expected him to turn into one of those blue eyed zombies at any moment. Seems to happen to everyone else as soon as it turns dark.

GRR Martin claims he got much of his story inspiration from the War of the Roses history. True of some of the events in GOT but I am unaware of any King, or anyone in pursuit of the throne throughout the medieval time frame, burning their daughter at the stake in pursuit of power . I suspect this little gem emerged

In the Maternity Leave episode, I asked myself over and over whether Claire is actually dumber than a rock. Unfortunately throughout season 2, I have found myself asking that same question each episode about one or more characters. I guess these people have to act dumb to advance the story but it is harder and

I can't read the comments-just too many spoilers. First I learn Boone dies before watching the episode and now, apparently at least two other characters are dying in some upcoming episode. Please folks, remember some people are still watching the series for the first time.