
I care about the sound quality over anything, so I only listen to flac's from my server, and try to listen to 24bit audio files whenever possible, for the better quality. I have music on google music but never end up listening to it. There's no need for me to have it actually because I stream flacs from my home's

Yea, thats what everyone should do, lets all listen to Gizmodo, "please vaccinate your children". How about, you post the story and let us choose for ourselves. Even with your story on this, I would still never ever want my kid to take a vaccine. I'll continue to go the natural route everytime. I really can't get over

Quantum Leap would want Ziggy on an Android phone for sure...

Tivo Premiere has it all, amazon, netflix, hulu plus...

That's the whole reason to want a media player that plays everything so you don't have to rely on having a computer. That's just streaming from your computer, your computer is doing the conversion instead of the ps3. The ps3 still can't play mkv's or iso's where as the wdtv live can with no issues or need to have a

There are different ways on where you have the squeezebox server at which I'd need to know but bring this on the forum. I don't see how we can't figure this out, it just works with no issues as i've seen.

Why would you want to use a wdtv live for flacs? It's mainly used for its video content. If you are looking for something that plays flacs flawlessly then look into Logitech Squeezebox's

PS3 can't play ISO files or mkv's... so no, the ps3 cannot do everything this can.

I just scratched my head at the same comment. It made me look up what spotify streams, I didn't think they streamed lossless files. Definitely a mistake on that one... none the less, the wdtv live is a hell of a product for $100, it even plays mkv files. Take that PS3.

great movie. Glad to see this gets shown to more people, I feel like no one knows about this movie.

why did i always think ssd's had only so many read/writes to them?

so I'm supposed to visit a canadian gizmodo site because of the countrywide problem? Bottom line is this website is complete shit now and they don't seem to really care what their fans think of it. No story about it at all which isn't like gizmodo at all.. Gawker made them keep hush hush about it probably, they are

I'm a couple more days away from canceling gizmodo/gawker from my life completely because of your change in layout. You must be disgusted with yourselves.

okay, but wouldn't the xbox still look the same on the tv? i see no reason to liquid cool an xbox, if you want it faster, install the game to the hard drive instead of having it read form the cd.

@NotEnglishSpeaker: in the summer I was looking for a capacitive stylus for my lenovo s-10. I bought the dagi stylus right away as it was the only one that worked well with my tablet. Rumored around that time was a completely new htc designed capacative stylus that was supposedly powered by a battery or a magnet of

This is going to turn into what happened to 2pac, releasing new music 10 years after his death that are supposedly real according to the record companies but are fake according to everyone else... shame...

dagi stylus is much cheaper...