
Bravo, Bravo, thank you for explaining it for those who cannot grasp the idea of “courage” it is indeed a rare commodity, ditto for “strength, and bravery”, not the fake kind when one follows others to doom, but the kind when one decides on his, or her own to take a stand where others take a seat.

At first I wondered what was wrong about the display. I an not the biggest fan of “Black history month”. After a while it began to dawn on me why I was irked. Was it the idea, or implication that without the kindly guiding hand of our oppressor that we might not have achieved? Or could this be another Sally Hemming’s

There’s a place in the sun where there is hope for everyone, where my poor restless heart gotta run, there is a place in the sun and before my life is done gotta find me a place in the sun. May not be here but I am going to find it.

Kayne would be great! Give him some awesome white pants. A amazing Trump hat, and Kim’s huge azz for a lantern.

Don’t put Snoop in this parade of fools he says no way.