
It’s always lupus.

It needs a “fuck off, Jesus” quote.

Did Gandalf cast lightning bolt?

Did somebody say esports?

Arizona State you say? Here’s their future employment prospects.

I look forward to the day when crazy white wing motherfuckers become a marginalized voting bloc. And that day can’t come soon enough. Fuck these holy roller knob gobblers.

I suppose she’s attractive by UK standards.

Because it needs to be mentioned again.

If he had a gun he would still be alive today.

Serious question. Does being a gynecologists sap their desire to perform cunnilingus on their partner (assuming they enjoyed it before becoming a gyno).

I got to sail on Ranger during a Tiger Cruise which was on hell of an experience. It was the first time I got to see a plane go supersonic as well as drop live ordnance as part of airshow for the carrier’s guests. I also got to stand UNDER the Ranger when she was in dry dock in Long Beach many moons ago. Such a shame

No shower, no oral. End of discussion.

What do you mean no means no?!

Kind of like Kristen- I’m-only-in-movies-because-of-my-well- connected-father Stewart.

Exactly. I’m sure in typical Jezebel fashion the responses here would be markedly different if she had requested sperm from a black donor but instead received sperm from a white donor.

Reminds me of a career in aviation. So many people with the flying bug will do anything to accrue enough time to apply at the majors to fly the big shiny jets so that they’ll gladly settle for flying a puddle jumper for $20,000 (or less) per year. There’s no reason for the smaller regional to give their pilots a

Yes thank you for this.