Klinger's Brother Klonger

Oh, I wouldn't call it a gimmick! But it's entirely possible I've been too rigid in my formatting, so will definitely try to loosen it up a bit in future.

Technically you are thinking of the 1980 version of Flash Gordon.

I think they're finally making a Dustup movie.

You should see Robert Longo's Johnny Mnemonic.

We know seven things:
1) When Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in his Bat-movie as Mr. Freeze, it was the first time he ever cried in a film. But the tears were computer generated.
2) The third Nolan film was the first Batman picture to be without a theme song.
3) Batman Begins was released only two weeks before George

Dustup was a great character. Very tough guy!

They've never made a Dustup movie for some reason. Dustup was probably the most cinematic comic character of the 80s mini-boom, and I for one would really like to see a Dustup movie. Dustup and Daredevil were the only two heroes I really liked, and the Daredevil picture was not really any good. I haven't seen the

We know that they wanted it there.

We know seven things:
1) Tom Hanks's co-star in The 'burbs was actor Dick Miller.
2) Hanks' breakthrough film was actually a New York-based slasher picture, He Knows You're Alone.
3) The movie featured the breathtaking special makeup effects of Taso Stavrakis.
4) Tom Hanks was the third choice for the lead role in Gung Ho.

Well, it wasn't intended as a list of new information, but more of an information roundup. I hope it doesn't come off as too "BUZZFEED!"

We know seven things:
1) Damon Wayans was the 'Banana Man' in Beverly Hills Cop.
2) He played Zeebo in Earth Girls Are Easy.
3) He was in the band Living Color, with its hit "Alabama Bound."
4) Robin, as played by Chris O'Donnell, was able to wring out his laundry in record time using athletic skills.
5) The glory days of

We know seven things:
1) The original title for this movie was The Dr. Joseph Califano Story
2) Michael Keaton also pushes a shopping cart in Mr. Mom.
3) Until the film Gung Ho, released in 1985, Michael Keaton was primarily known as a comic actor.
4) He was not expected to achieve the role of Batman - Adam West's

We know seven things:
1) Fantastic beasts may include the jackalope.
2) America in the 1930s was beset by depression, dust bowl and the thunderheads of war.
3) The Second World War began in 1939, but America did not officially enter it until late in 1941.
4) J.K. Rowling wrote this as her "adult" novel. Sales were

No, I don't think I have. Perhaps I'll keep a more open mind.

If Thunder was the one who exploded and turned out to be filled with deflated birthday party balloons, I agree.

We know seven things:
1. Big Trouble in Little China is a terrific picture.
2. It was funny too.
3. The Rock is not funny, or at least not in the same way.
4. He seems an amiable sort, but with an ego that will not let him play a Jack Burton style dumbbell.
5. Therefore this remake will suffer.
6. Therefore fans of the