
I hope this puts to rest any doubt that she is part of the machine. This is clearly coordinated with Trump’s attacks on Hunter Biden. This rollout is pulling double duty as a softener to Trump’s your son’s a cokehead attack and ensures that the stigma of drug addiction stays in the political news cycle to needle

I used to work for a domestic violence agency and this is what I learned. Women who tell the responding officers that they are being abused? Are being abused. Often women (who may be dealing with issues like feeling ashamed about abuse, feeling partly to blame, or worried about the potential for escalating abuse) may l

If the divine role of women is to remain strapped to a birthing gurney for the duration of their lives, how is it that Barrett is up for one of the most powerful and high-profile jobs in the world? Is it because the Barretts already have seven children, so her usefulness as a breeding vessel has been fulfilled? Is

If I said I don’t agree with people eating so much as to be obese does that make me an obesephobe?”

So please explain what isn’t “vulgar” about portraying transpeople as mentally ill or lending succor to paedophiles and happily becoming the public face of a movement designed to remove rights of transpeople?

“I may not agree with her”.

A pale and rather exhausted looking Democratic nominee, pushed through the primary as the party’s favored choice mostly due to the optics of his former post”

All I could think of was “but her emails...”
Really? That’s all people could think of to say why they didn’t want to vote for a woman. No thought to big picture issues’.

Wouldn’t that same doctrine require her to refuse this seat because a woman can never be in authority over a man?

Maybe one day they realize some of those necks were their son’s and daughter’s.

Hey third party voters/Susan Sarandon/people who didn’t bother to vote because of reasons aren’t you soooooo glad you didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton? You have to keep in mind that in every election the fate of the SCOTUS is at stake

People who say, “French fried potatoes” instead of just “french fries” are 100% serial killers.

And whenever the time comes for the next round of conservative contenders of color to be counted, Daniel Cameron is itching and inching to be first in line.

Framing how you counter it is just as important. For instance, my father-in-law is very Pro-Trump, very into passing around things on facebook, etc. and no college education, no natural skepticism beyond buying into conspiracies . I’ve had to sit him down and contextualize it. For instance, the “Coronavirus is a hoax

Came here to say exactly this. People with the predisposition to fall for snake oil pitches will fall for almost anything that is framed correctly and fed to them the right way. Critical thinking and skepticism are vital to navigating the modern world without being duped. It’s one reason having a higher education is

Oddly I was reading a novel yesterday, with the main action set around the mid 90s, in which a child dies because his parents believed

I’m definitely seeing the parallels between QAnon and the Satanic daycare scandals of the 1980s, which ruined innocent lives.

The wellness movement is largely built on the magical thinking we can control our fate with the correct behavior. Surely if we do enough yoga and eat only the correct things and find inner peace we’ll never ever get sick.

I loved this episode so much. It might be my favourite so far. We learn what Ji-ah is. And we learn what Atticus has become during the war. What was their relationship. And why he stayed in Florida instead of coming home.