
Q has over a hundred thousand likes. Unfortunately all too many people believe this BS.

I hope no one is persuaded by this bullshit. Having the ability to control ones reproduction is not remotely the same as “making womblessness normative”. It’s definitely true that medical science prioritizes men and male bodies, but having access to a birth control pill is a genuinely good thing for women.

I had metastatic testicular cancer about 10 years ago, which resulted in a surgical scar from my pelvis to my sternum. I beat the cancer, and contemplated a decoration for a couple years. For some reason, a working lunch turned down this road, and I told my boss at the time that I was going to get an alien tattooed,

Is Vincent trans or does he have dissociative identity disorder? These are not the same thing, of course.

I hope for a Streisand Effect situation here.

The show was pretty good until they ran out of book and none of the top notch actors could save the show. 

I hate these two.

Trump is on camera live pretty often, on newsfeeds and otherwise, and yet nobody has called him a fucking prick to his face. How the fuck has that not happened yet?! I know all the arguments about reporters having to hold their comments back so they don’t lose access (it is worth losing access, you greedy shits, even

I can’t think of two people less equipped to adapt this series than these two guys.

Friends are our chosen family ♡ 

He is only 34. Not crazy to think at that age he hasn’t lost a parent, sibling or close friend. I am just a few years older and that is true for me. Grandparents are in a different league, because they leave us when they are old and it is expected — I don’t think anyone expects there 43 year old friend to die. 

Oh my god, Chadwick Boseman. So talented. This is a punch to the gut.

His towering performances are even more amazing considering what he was enduring behind the scenes.

Wakanda FOREVER.


I don’t know why this is hitting me so hard. I really feel for his family. Fuck this year. 

Cut it out, 2020. Cut it the fuck out.

RIP to the fucking king.