
I just wish the Mayo Clinic would release a statement saying he willingly violated their policy. First they deleted their tweet, now they’re completely silent. It makes them look bad.

This is a nightmare. This is a fucking nightmare that this deeply stupid man is our president and has a legion of morons willing to die — and take the rest of us with them — to protect his fragile ego and “own the libs”.

I will give money to any reporter that stands up during one of these and asks him what the fuck he is rambling about.

Meh. Chloroquinine; injected disinfectants; shooting peeps on 5th Avenue; inciting mass shooters to attack assumed Mexicans; inciting terrorists to run over protestors; inciting nut bag to attack reporters.

As someone who works in a hospital on the front lines, the people ENRAGE me. Their behavior is beyond reckless. They are actively endangering my life and the lives of my colleagues. When they get sick (and some most certainly will), they will absolutely expect us to take care of them with total disregard for our

In the case of the protesters, while I don’t actively hope they get sick and die, I’ll also have a hard time mustering up much sympathy if that happens.

Fyi, Saff prefers male pronouns. I agree that he is one of maybe 3 or 4 semi-decent people on that show.

Could’ve had a competent Stacey Abrams if that ignorant cracker asshole didn’t cheat.

Honestly I found this documentary too sad to be entertaining. Netflix is selling it as some sort of bonkers wacky adventure with colorful characters and crazy twists, but it’s really just a depressing glimpse into the lives of people with unaddressed issues of abuse/abusers, poverty, and drug addiction. 

Serious question: Trump has gotten away with everything else, including impeachment, so why would COVID-19 be any different?


Ok that’s a solution for Mike Pence and Mother and their Handmaid, but what about Trump and the rest of us ?

“A lot of it has to do with how we talk to each other. Compliments on a woman’s appearance, that some men, including me, might have once incorrectly thought were okay, were never okay. Not then and certainly not today.”

This is dumb. At no point in his time as commander is Li Shang interested in Mulan; if anything, it’s the opposite (though she would never approach him).

If a “feminist” puts something above woman’s rights to decide and choose for themselves, well you know this person isn’t a feminist. Period. 

Speaking as a Black person, skin folk ain’t kinfolk. Every Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima who support the white supremacist in office will have their day. Until then, keep your eyes on the prize and vote 45 out of office in November, no matter what.

On the one hand, I think the carceral system is a brutal method of state violence that disproportionately affects the poor and minorities. On the other I’m happy to see Weinstein rot. It’s a conundrum.