
Fox & Friends saying he was wrong probably scared the shit out of him. 

Maybe tell your friend that humans have “only” been watching documentaries for 96 years and that’s why most human brains cannot process documentaries in a critical and intelligent manner?

lol @ your last sentence... not imprisoning/sterilizing them is stripping them of their human rights omg you can’t make this up.

Yes, these poor meth-addicted people are just selfish, that’s the problem /s

The first time in a while SNS is early enough for me to participate! This is Mishto, it’s his fifteenth birthday (around) today. He was rescued from a house that had thirty cats living in it, so no one was keeping track of the birthdays over there.

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

Not enough fucks.

Guuuuurl. Between the hardwick bullshit that sounds like two of my exes, with eating disorders and sexual abuse and the story about the football player that no one can believe because he dared to rape older women, I say burn all men at the stake.

I just need to write that I fucking hate men that are fucking abusive and I hope they burn in hell.

‘80s jocks were right - nerds are bad fucking news.

I hope they mass murder all the commanders execution-style.

He’s a douchecanoe; end of story.

Without the Native’s help, many of the colonist farmers would have died of starvation, because they didn’t know how to work the soil.

Louis C.K. at least on some level seemed sort of contrite, but fuck Jeffrey Tambor. It won’t stop me from watching AD bc I love all the other actors aside from him and David Cross and don’t feel their careers should suffer from it (same with HOC, I never watched that though). Franken is probably the one I have the

I do NOT say this lightly. And I say it as someone who has been personally impacted by the condition, both through deaths in my immediate family and a scare myself. And I’m not sure why reading this, out of everything that’s happened since January last year, has been the straw that broke my camel’s back.

This Obama-era policy was a patch job in a grossly inhumane carceral industry desperately in need of reform, for ridiculously vulnerable population of people (yes believe it or not, people with dicks can be “vulnerable” too - even moreso than those of us born with vaginas. Funny how that works). In reality, the

These both sides arguments are always bullshit. Either you are for social justice for everyone or you aren’t, none of this half-assed shit. Transwomen are women and are in danger when they are placed in male facilities. Because no other facility exists to house them (not that there should be because e have seen what

“I, a natural-born woman with a completely normal level of empathy and no internalized misogyny, am perfectly comfortable with putting another woman in harms way, in a fucking mens prison where she will be humiliated and degraded every day and *actually* suffer injuries when she is forced to use the bathroom and