
Ah, CPAC - the weekend that taxes Grindr to its limits.

Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.

I am just going to post this here:

How to solve the gun problem:

I don’t find it very funny at all. Anxiety is a clinical diagnosis and those who suffer from it deserve our respect and understanding. Now she’s been traumatized because she was forced by airline staff to euthanize her ESA. I don’t think any of you would appreciate your condition being exacerbated in such a way.

Words vs actions.

I hope that Ross is just faking this “friendship” with her to get her to spill that T. You know, the whole thing about keeping your enemies closer. Next step: get her drunk enough to talk like crazy in national TV and give something up that can be used by daddy Mueller.

Fuck you, you fucking scumbag. You are not allowed to express remorse now. We don’t want it, we don’t need it. This is your fault and you should carry that shame with you every day for the rest of your life. Fuck Ross too, for not spitting in your face as you try to pretend like you fucking care!

We have to change the way we raise them and how we define masculinity and strength. We have to have better intervention programs for kids who grow up in abusive homes and may find themselves repeating the behaviors that they witnessed.

Along the same line...that’s sometimes why women don’t usually give a man a hard “no” when they’re not interested. In my experience a fairly unremarkable “how’re you doin’” can turn very quickly into “bitch!” if you throw a hard “no” out there.


If whether or not you like an artist’s work has anything at all to wanting to see him brough down for sexual harassment or abuse of power, you are MISSING THE POINT.

Not fighting with you, but with all due respect, I can think in at least one scenario where that “mother” should totally have ever kept that kid: she gets the help she needs - and its an obligation of the State to provide! -, hopefuly recovers, and go on becoming a good mother. You call it “insanity”, I call it

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

“For although we may not be alone in the universe, in our own separate ways, on this planet, we are all... alone”

In Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose:

Maybe instead of lowering the punishment so the burden of proof is lower, MAYBE test the damned rape kits so the current burden of proof can be met. Again women have to settle for less because the system, set up to benefit men, is failing us? Test the rape kits, train cops to be better, believe witness testimony.

It’s the matchup that Trump’s America deserves.