
Anyone who says both sides are the same (1) is irredeemable (2) should be hit with both sides of a bed of nails.

Essentially they want to make religious intolerance a protected class above all others. It’s the end-game to all their whining about “PC Police.” They want the freedom to abuse oppressed groups. Also, if they win this, it’s essentially saying being gay is a choice. Which it is not. Protected classes exist because it’s

Supporting Trump violates my sincerely held beliefs, so I don’t have to pay taxes this year.

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere.

Again, I really don’t understand the issue here, why it’s so hard for you Packers truthers to accept that they have the best ownership structure a fan could hope for, along with the Saskatchewan Roughriders. The local community owns its team. Not a syphilitic mega-criminal, not a soulless corporation. The fans who

WYTS Packer’s edition will always be my favorite post. Whenever I need salt to season my food, I come here

Don’t worry, this year they will magically make it to the Superbowl and win it all, because it’s in Minnesota. It’s all written down.

You forgot

kalief browder: 3 years for not stealing backpack

Thank you. This is such bullshit. Democrats are supposed to be progressive, which means they believe in fucking bodily autonomy for women: The right to make our own medical decisions, the right to be or not to be pregnant if we wish, period. If you believe in taking those rights away from women, you should be

“Trainees who object to abortions can opt out, according to the guidelines.” And then they can opt the fuck out of Med School as far as I’m concerned.

OK, I’m not saying the Rock would be worse than Cheeto Benito—in fact, I think it would be pretty hard to do so—but did this country learn nothing from assuming famous TV personalities are qualified to be president?

My first instinct is that this is a jilted lover/ former abuser situation, and the fact that that’s where my mind immediately goes devastates me.

Today I adopted these badass little girls, so I’m loving the world.

I hope you brought enough to share with the whole class ;)

This is getting too much use lately.

I sort of admire that she literally ran to the opposite side of the country to get away from her disgusting ex. That said, she’s pretty awful herself (her confronting Ivana while Trump gloated is still one of the grosser stories I’ve heard). I wish someone would offer her enough for a real tell-all.

She’s been on a covfefe break for the past 24 hours....

He isn’t from Africa. He’s from Akron.