Gozer the Gozerian

I just re-watched Life (which is absolutely worth checking out if you haven't seen it; Hulu and Netflix both have it streaming), so I was unreasonably excited for this clearly stupid show. This review makes it sound like the type of harmlessly bad trifle that I can really get into, which has done nothing to curb my

See, I don't think his smile and salute change anything, or seem out of character. If anything, the salute amounted to the bird he couldn't have flipped on camera at the time. They treated him poorly, and now he's not only serving some comeuppance, but getting the hell out of there in the bargain.

The alternative is a naturally aging human being. Courteney Cox has always been a babe, and reaching her mid to late forties wouldn't have changed that much. I get that surgery is a thing that actresses do, but don't try to tell me that looking like yourself is worse.

I guess I'm just an asshole, because I would advocate strongly against it beforehand and be honest afterward. Not coincidentally, all of my friends who were in bands hated me at one time or another.

This is easily my favorite "old" movie, and one of the few I feel I can recommend without qualifying. Such a stellar cast, and Holden is a badass with a lot of depth.

Let me throw Blake Edwards's S.O.B. into the Holden canon. His scenes with Robert Preston and Robert Webber are just fantastic. Oh, and Julie Andrews gets topless, which really, really weirded me out the first time I saw it.

That shot of Courteney Cox is horrifying. Doesn't anyone tell these people that it does NOT look good?