
Monica wasnt the first presidential mistress, Fox News gave the Tea Party its voice, and the media is the only reason Candidate Trump exists.

I’m no apologist for the right, most of all I hate the “obstruction at all costs” idiocy, about as much as I hate the tired “everybody is a hapless victim of white dude oppression” mentality. Frankly, I hate it all. We have heroin epidemics killing more young people than guns, crumbling infrastructure, schools that

And a lot of Republicans will be happy to tell you that Fox is center-left, the WSJ is less partisan than the NYT, and Rush is under constant attack from the powerul NPR socialists who control the government. As long as they keep repeating the story of persecution, it’ll get picked up as fact somewhere (see, for

I think it is possible to be upset at both. I believe the individual bears the brunt of the responsibility to keep themselves well informed, but that does not completely absolve news providers of all responsibility.

The most watched network is Fox. The biggest radio show is Rush. The most popilular natonal paper is the Wall St Journal. 2/3 of newspaper endorsements are republicans, even in strong Liberal cities (NY Daily News, Detroit News, etc.)

This is why I believe this whole "Controversy" is just an attempt at an outrage alarm.

Here’s a list of RightWing “news” cites, suggesting that the Conservative viewpoint is very well propagated

This isnt censorship, nor is it proof of something nefarious. Look at the sites theyre steering away from - those arent news sites, theyre opinion sites. Similarily, i cant temember a single instance of the Trending Feed linking to Gawker or HuffPo or MoveOn....

Judging by my Facebook feed, the only people who even use Facebook anymore are the entire angry right wing. It’s a big reason why I don’t use Facebook anymore.

Breitbart, Washington Examiner, and Newsmax

Please please pleeeeeease let this lead to a mass exodus of Racist Uncles off Facebook.

SO the guy complaining about a bias against conservative news is a conservative? Quelle surprise.

One million stars to you!
I keep commenting all over the damn place that politics is compromise and as a Sanders supporter I view Clinton as a fine compromise. Their platforms are nearly identical. Where they differ, her position is still better than Trump’s. She has experience up the wazoo and is hella politically

A vote for Trump is also a vote for war. A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump, basically. Stein won’t win, and voting for Stein steals votes from Clinton only. There are no would-be Trump voters who will say “Actually, he isn’t perfect, let me vote for Stein.” It’s all would-be Clinton voters who would then

No, I did not say that at all. There won’t be a “revolution” with Trump. There will just be disasterous policy and a terrifying number of real people’s lives will be ruined as a result. And the energy in the country will swing towards wanting a nice, safe, experienced candidate (read: establishment), and all this

This needs more stars!

I really dislike the Bernie/Trump comparissons, but one way they are similar is that they are propelled by a populist movement. The villain in each movement is different (rich people and corporations vs minorities and immigrants), but the general sentiment is Fuck This Shit.

If Trump becomes

I’m a an actual registered Green Party member. Obviously, I’m not a big fan of big money politics. I’ll be voting for whomever is the Democratic nominee. Let’s be clear...I don’t fully agree with either o them. However, letting Trump or Cruz seat a minimum of one and possibly multiple Scotus justices is not an option

Hi, hello person who told me yesterday that no real Bernie supporters would consider voting for Trump. How are you?

Since Sarandon isn’t going to suffer the most consequences under the Trump presidency, or for that matter under any general breakdown of society, I would kindly request that she not opine about revolutions here. (Also, as bad as Trump would be, I don’t see “revolution” really being a possibility here. Protests? Sure.

Trump will do real damage if he was elected to real people. So, no. He can't be allowed to become president.