guys help
guys help
These Sony Leaks are getting more and more fascinating by the day.
"An heir and a spare." Chop chop, because you know the second one is going to be a disappointing girl.
You raise a decent point, but it's not delusional. Honestly, I think they were more afraid of him getting captured than killed.
Once officially enrolled and commissioned in the armed forces, William wanted active service; in this there were recent precedents: his great-great-uncle Edward VIII, when Prince of Wales, served in France during the First World War; his great-grandfather King George VI served during World War I with the Navy at the …
There is much precedent for military Royals in direct line of succession going in harm's way. And though it would have been a tragic loss, there's still Harry. +998 other people in line.
He's second in line for the throne! He knew good and well he wasn't going anywhere near Basra or Helmand. Not a value judgment; it's just that his job, literally, is the keep the line going.
No, he asked to, and was denied. I also wanted to see combat, but was too lazy and insubordinate to try for it. Also, he participated in rescue missions. Maybe not as badass as you, but more than me.
Yeah ... every local cop who ever stopped me for speeding after I got back from Iraq *wanted* to see combat. Wanting doesn't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme. :)
To be fair, Billy wanted to see combat, they wouldn't let him. But he took part in some operations, anyway.
Harry took part in actual military operations. Billy's job is to reproduce.
Winner: blouses.
Difference being Drew effectively uses this "anger" as lighthearted humor while Albert comes off as mean and trying too hard.
Do people go to England to see the Royal Family? That's got to be weird. For both parties.
Fuck the British Royal Family
Women be shopping, am I right?
Cue guys complaining about women 's purses and shopping bags taking up extra space and how they are being discriminated against, because that totally happens just as often and is totally comparable even though it involves an actual increase in overall mass, rather than the spreading of mass over the largest possible…
I applaud the bravery and compassion of all of the doctors who are addressing this issue. It sums up my thoughts on pedophilia, which are not acceptable by the vast majority of people.