I really hope the pendulum swings back the other way where developers want to make a compelling finite experience with designed levels instead of...large rectangles of interchangeable gameplay elements
I really hope the pendulum swings back the other way where developers want to make a compelling finite experience with designed levels instead of...large rectangles of interchangeable gameplay elements
Can we all stop trying to define words that are already well defined? Egalitarianism doesn’t innately have anything to do with wether or not you think there is or isn’t inequality, it’s merely the state of prioritizing social equality for all people. You can be an Egalitarian and believe that there is structural…
the only ‘superpowers’ the nofap people are going to get are prostrate issues later in life.
The idea of only paying for heating seats in the winter sounds great, but automakers aren’t doing this crap because it’s in their customers best interests.
As someone who’s played MTG for going on 26 years, I have absolutely zero interest in this. None whatsoever. :-(
Turn vegan to avoid eating meat but finds way to make their food look/taste/feel like meat. Why though?
Don’t forget Morgan Freeman.
Preventive Vet has a short checklist to help you select safe toys to try out.
I rode a skateboard for many years and I’ve seen a lot worse injuries from traditional sports. No sport is completely risk-free. Let the kids have fun.
Yeah baby led weaning is a thing. We’re going to try it with our little one. That way we’re all around the table eating relatively the same things at the same time.
Stop using baby food?
So, the real question is, do the baby foods contain more or less of these metals than the food and produce you buy in store and eat yourself every day?
I remember when a single bitcoin was measured in cents. My kid told me we should get some. It’s the future of money and would be worth a fortune. Stupid 11 year old. What does he know anyway?
1. To some degree that is going to be an inevitability. Furthermore, the Left doesn’t mind doing this so long as their racist and unfair judgements are directed to white people.
Unfortunately, all the Left does is judge people by the color of their skin.
You know what else would be a failure as a parent? To teach their kids that everyone is exactly the same and that they should have no fears. Go ahead, white boy. Walk down 116th street in East Harlem at night. It’s totally safe.
Eh, we live in a world where people insist Anne Frank is privileged. A better lesson would probably be that types of oppression besides the types your kid is has to deal with exist.
What some people don’t get is that not everyone wants to be part of movements that demand rigid conformity and constant “call outs” of every “microagression.” Real people have a lot of things going on most of us don’t want to spend our lives constantly apologizing for everything. This is a big part of why people don’t…
Oh, I can see you have feelings. So sad. The world is a cruel place. I’m afraid you might not make it.