
You don’t want to get the vaccine? That’s okay with me. I never liked you anyway.”

“I’ve learned that nothing in life is free, except the flu vaccine. That’s why I don’t trust it”

When you’re reading these scripts, are you thinking about the message you would be putting into the world as far as how women are portrayed onscreen?

Who’s Bella Thorne? Is she that kid that ate too many Tootsie Rolls and had to have her stomach pumped?

You need 42 minutes to say “Yes”?

I don’t want to hear a fucking thing from white allies. I want to SEE them smacking the shit out of people like burnbaby73, their friends, their family members, any and all others that are clearly blind as fuck and spout racist, ignorant bullshit, whataboutism, or are trying to tune out.

Ireland, Lithuania and Canada are also less likely to datamine a game company's customer base unless they get the idea somebody is actually talking about pulling off a terror attack on one of their products.

You should include “seasonal flu” when you cite this statistic as you sound misinformed otherwise. Coronavirus has a mortality rate that will like end up lower than the flu.


If you DO get it, there’s a 99% chance you’ll only get mild cold-like symptoms.

Someone has been taking the blue pill far too often.

I’m bowing out of my plans. No matter what the con does, I cannot trust the other attendees to be anything other than selfish about showing up even if they’re already sick. Garden-variety con crud is bad enough, but this year it’s really asking for trouble. (Hands up if you’re surprised that someone in ECCC’s Twitter

I guess this is one way of making it a historical event.

Confucius say, man who cannot take joke is like pee-pee in your coke.

I’m from South America, born and raised, so I feel like I should be allowed to give my two cents on this:

Get an adblocker. You’ll be hammered incessantly with pop-ups begging you to turn it off or whitelist but its far preferable.

It’s a mixup between the legal and colloquial usage of the term. You can’t legally censor yourself since you’re allowed to put it back if you want. It’s a design choice. You can colloquially censor yourself, such as people who swear do when they’re around young children. But I agree it’s an important distinction.

Ill say it again: my life and my enjoyment of free time has improved drastically since quitting Hearthstone over a year ago.

It’s cosplay, grow some thicker skin.

I’ve never liked my balls to be played with. There’s a perfectly good dick right next to them, try that.