Kleanthis Xanthopoulos

Such an under-rated movie! Star Trek the Motion Picture was great in my opinion. Probably the second best Star Trek movie ever, behind Wrath of Khan

What about all the black-washing? You know how The Torch was black in the latest fantastic four movie or even how Hannibal (the ancient general) sometimes is being depicted as an african in some movies, documentaries etc? Double standards much? You even cried “white-washing” at Gods of Egypt!! Which gods by the way

I have been telling you guys but you still don’t believe me! Incest is the key for Star Wars!! Yeap, I said it!

Kudos America! Now time to get on my spaceship and leave this planet! Thanks for all the fish everyone!

OK kids, best option here (all things considered) is the Blackfyre Rebellion. Dunk and Egg would deviate a lot from what has made GoT successfull, the Dance of Dragons would be too expensive too make (guess what? there are lots of dragons going around on that story), and Robert’s rebellion is a stupid prequel idea,

So far (and if my memory serves me right) the only things that have resisted the press are a book and the carbon fibers. The book destroyed the press though (from what I can remember).

Let me tell you why this is bullshit, but first let me tell you about me. I am Greek, a non millenial and a former avid Olympic Games watcher/supporter. Key word, “former”. I watched through stream the first 2-3 days of the Rio Olympics. The reason I am a “former” avid watcher/supporter of the Olympics and saw just

Well, there are some things I liked to have read and some that have worried me

1) The destruction of Romulus was a dick idea that has no place in the prime universe in my opinion.

Please, please, please don’t make it a prequel in the prime universe. Any prequel in the prime universe will be bad. I don’t care where you squeeze it, any prequel will be a mess for the continuity. If they want to make a NEW, SUCCESSFUL Star Trek, they will need enough liberty, all the while showing respect for the

Oh shit, is it a prequel?! Shit and I had high hopes for it! Haven’t they learned from the Enterprise that prequels suck? You can’t have a non planned prequel without messing the continuity. Something that numerous prequels prove, most notably Star Trek Enterprise and the prequel Star Wars trilogy. At least with it

After reading the list I have to say that I completely disagree with it. The title refers to a SCIENCE FICTION novel, as such we expect that this is set in an alternate world, in the future or something of the like. With the exception of an alternative history novel, for the rest of sci-fi this list is too modern

1) (In my head-canon) Janeway is in jail. They initially made her an admiral cause what she did seemed heroic (so pretty much they HAD to promote her, for PR reasons), but later the Voyager logs where studied and a number of her crimes were revealed. Thus she was put in jail.

Why the hell not? Trump IS running for presiden after all. (Yes I know that it was mentioned but couldn’t keep myself)

For those who use this unfortunate event as an argument against free-access journals and thus in favor of the classic journals (for which you pay a subscription), allow me to inform you that probably all major publishing groups have “science journals” dedicated to homeopathy. Elsevier for example publishes

For those who use this unfortunate event as an argument against free-access journals and thus in favor of the classic journals (for which you pay a subscription), allow me to inform you that probably all major publishing groups have “science journals” dedicated to homeopathy. Elsevier for example publishes

Maybe (hopefully) someone has said that earlier but....

The ancient Egyptians where white actually. The were not middle Eastern, they were not Arabs, they were not black. The Arabs came to the region much later, they were not of Semite descend and most certainly were not black Africans (which originally were found below the Sahara desert). They most likely were as black or

Please Prometheus NOOOOOOOOO!

What are you talking about? Star Trek is a shared universe now, and it was mostly so even while Gene was alive!!