
And really, don’t water and Billy Hamilton just share the 40% of the planet that Pedro Sandoval’s muffin top doesn’t cover?

Really? No one is going to say WRX?

Kids please....Do Not Play On The Grassy Knoll In Dallas.

It’s nice to see a bunch of teenage girls heading the wrong way on something other than my local highway.

Fortunately he missed Dee’s nuts

Should have been a Charter truck.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

I’ve always found something incredibly strange about these gimmicks. We have a family friend who did this via popping a balloon, and all I could think was “the only two people on the planet who know this extremely intimate and private piece of information are the OBGYN and some 17-year old at Party City.”

Thinking about baseball should have delayed the need to even have this party.

What this one guy does on my train all the time. To no fanfare.

I thought the gender reveal party didn’t happen until at least second base, maybe even third.

And considering how they’ve played, Quintana won’t have to change his vacation plans for October 3rd.

I found this awesome gif illustrating the Subaru boxer’s relationship with head gaskets.

Four minutes in. Three comments. All about head gaskets. Awesome.

Something something headgasket joke.

damn it I came here to make a head gasket joke and you beat me to it.

At least now the headgaskets will be easier to change.

Your move, Joel

To paraphrase Chris Rock, “if the cops have to come get you, they’re bringing an ass whooping with them.”

Billy Hamilton did this a few weeks ago, it was on deadspin and everything