
As this occurred on November 22, I must note that Sanchez went “Back and to the left. Back and to the left. He went back and to the left.”

Sure he is tall but can he bol?

Isn’t this potentially tampering on the part of players on the other teams? Sure there are the behind the scenes stuff all the time but publicly calling out the Sixers would seem to cross the line (even if correct to do so).

French Fries do:

nope. Ketchup is/was too

Sad pairs appear to be the theme here today:

Sorry I should have been more specific. I was surprised that none of the commenters had posted the link yet.

No link to the “Duke Sex Thesis?”

Now playing

Virgin Atlantic used to give out gift bags on their flights that included things like toothbrushes, eye cover masks, and socks. The socks were so you could take off your shoes. Feet can swell on long flights so they were encouraging the shoeless approach.

Time for Operation “Dinner Out.”

Glad to hit it off the tee it for you.

Drake living up to its advertising:

Just say “orgies”; the “sex” part is understood. There aren’t any other kinds of orgies, although I have joined friends at a certain Atlanta restaurant for what can only be described as a “lemon-pepper-wing orgy.”

Butt is sore- is the Charmin not doing the trick?

He looks like he should be the bass player in Coldplay.

What? Next you are going to say something crazy and tell me if I play it back to my keeper with my feet that the keeper can’t use their hands!