
I think it makes sense that the machine creator was in Australia. The machine in this world was being run in Australia so presumably the creator went through there and would probably stay there.

If she lied, then what happened to her in the pod thing? Wouldn't she have died? All the others who "went through" disappeared. I was thinking the whole thing was a scam until she did it. Since she went through with it and then was back in this world, it makes sense with her story why she is the only one who was back.

That was my first question when it ended - why wouldn't everyone go to the world with the 98%? I guess many wouldn't believe it was true and also the process is pretty terrifying. But the 2% world would probably be pretty awful and I think most people would be very miserable having lost practically everyone.

I do think they were trying to leave open the possibility that she was lying (which I also don't believe because, if so, what did happen to her? And wouldn't she have died?) by not showing the othe world.

I agree - but the cringe element, the lack of self-awareness in the character, and the constant, obvious catering to the camera is similar to The Office and Extras.