Kelly Taylor

I don't think that would work, although it is a lovely idea. The reflection would not only move back and forth, but up and down with the passing of the seasons. Maybe some brilliant engineer could figure it out.

We may not have as many crazy stories as Florida, but we come through in the clutch.

Thank you, that was beautiful.

well done

I'm getting the feeling that a commenter peed on someone's foot at Gawker. Frankly, I wonder why they even still have comments.

Looking forward to "SurvivorDmeMan".

I always throw my lens cap as far as I can whenever I remove it. That way I am not surprised at all when it gets lost.

I live in the Pacific Northwest and here is my anecdotal contribution to the science of Sasquatch. In my travels I have seen deer, elk, coyotes, racoons, squirrels, a bear, possums, and a few mice. I have never actually seen a cougar, but I have seen prints. I have personally spoken with people who have seen lynx and

I know it is bad manners to comment on a review of a show that you dislike, but I really have tried to watch Arrow several times. The problem is that the show starts, and I try desperately to care about the characters and the 'plot', and then I jolt awake as the credits roll. I'm sorry, Arrow it's not you, it's me.