Klaus Joynson

We've already seen Cleese's 'Swedish' character from Dead Parrot before. He's the policeman from the Whizzo Chocolate Assortment sketch (the voice is identical). His name's Praline and he shows up a few more times.

Could well be exceedingly spoilery, but check out the cast list on IMDB for the last episode of this series. You might be on to something.

Revenge of the Cybermen wasn't written by Robert Holmes. It was written by Cybermen (co-) creator Gerry Davis, which makes the whole 'Robot Men' thing even weirder.

Don't normally do this, but here's a review I did when it first started. I wasn't very complimentary (or concise). Sorry.

A Throwback
to a time when you could use any bands' music. Here we have Fleetwood Mac's Oh Well. No chance you could do that nowadays. Old bands like them all seem to have enough money. I still remember that Only Fools And Horses episode that used Pink Floyd's Money. Good Luck getting Roger Waters' permission today.

Absolutely. He effortlessly crafted the of the double act. Your want cheap TV on a sci-fi scale? Have a double act talking to each other on what is happening. The perfect example is the The Ribos Operation, which is all double acts: The Doctor/Romana, Graff Vynda K/Sholakh, Garron/Unstoffe. All completely different

Weirdest was playing a mute character in the British Messiah series. "Let's get this big American star over here and… not have her say anything. Er."

A thought…
We never once the sonic screwdriver. And when the Doctor was shot, there was that familiar green light spilling out.


I thought, 'it could only be the Doctor in there' very early on but was still surprised by how it turned out. I'm loving this.

The Elizabethan Cybermen one is terrible. Actually, not terrible, just badly done.

Yes Leela. Slightly before my time.

We ain't called Britons, unless you mean we've all been transplanted from before the Roman invasion. Britains will do, although we have a growing fondness for Brits.