
Not to worry, the Raven fans will continue to be antagonizing DBs.

Tyrod: “Doc, I need you to fix it, but not in a way that really fixes it. I need it to still be hurt for the next three months.”

“The best way I can describe it is, having a diaper on & never changing it. And just sitting in that diaper the whole year.”

Yes, firing three coaches and hoping to eventually get lucky is a roll of the dice. To be a successful leader for the 49ers though, history shows us you have to be a little riverboat gambler.

Schrodinger’s QB: four but also none.

James Franco’s 4th brother there looks like he is about to be touched inappropriately by an old homeless Russian man.

Now THIS is a hockey story about violence that we can ALL get behind!

This is the biggest Lynn-Manuel drama since Pence saw Hamilton.

Meanwhile, there’s a new taco truck in Chicago called Frijoles ‘Most’ Negros:


“We shoulda had more time.”


Tony Romo was injured on the play.

Is super drunk above or below stupid drunk? Asking for a friend.

In the face of all this Cam Newton mess, the fact that Carolina still leads the division is truly remarkable.

“None of these chicken wings are natural. We have always filled gaps in the taste pallet with the sauces of other dishes. And if their taste was pure, many of them would taste quite different. But you didn’t ask for reality. You asked for more hot sauce.”

Someone on Twitter put it best: One day Cam is going to die on the field and he’ll get called for delay of game.

“He thinks he’s really good at football just because he’s really good at football so fuck him”.

My Christ likes Skip-Bo, but yeah same sentiments.

Saab gave birth to this 2011 SportCombi, put a plastic bag over its head, tossed it in a burlap sack, added a few puppies and kittens for good measure and threw it in a frozen lake.