This is absolute gold ; ‘but I wish him well in the competition,”. Drops mic and walks away with Olivia Munn.
This is absolute gold ; ‘but I wish him well in the competition,”. Drops mic and walks away with Olivia Munn.
Starting it off early this year.
The only way to stop a bad guy with a Hilux is to send a good guy with a Hilux. Or something...
Close. Throw his knee ligaments in that pic and you’d be spot on.
Recognize this?
All congressman were present for the vote except newly elected Pete Carroll, who decided to pass.
Washington D.C. (Politico): After weeks of debate and a deadlocked Senate President Richard Sherman finally passed his stadium reform bill by having VP Marshawn Lynch cast the deciding vote. “When it came down to what to do it was a no-brainer to have Marshawn carry it across the goal,” the President said afterwards.