
Yeah, I hated JGL in TDKR. Seriously, worst part of the movie for me so I am definitely not looking forward to this if it is true.

He blew up the fleet and killed thousands in the last one. Is that gonna be a thing in Star Trek now? Thanks, Abrams, ya hack.

Oh yea, I remember Garbage Pail kids. That was creepier than Dinosaur Attacks. Dinosaur Attacks was gory but the Garbage Pail kids had the creepy dead eyes. Between that and the original Child's Play, I was one messed up 9 year old.

Hahaha, aw, memories. Me and my brother had a few of these. Found em a few years ago when we were clearing out our dad's storage stall for a garage sale. Of course, kids today have access to a lot weirder stuff like clown porn, so maybe these didn't mess us up too badly.

I don't read the comics (nor do I care to), but I am enjoying the hell out of Michonne this season. Andrea not so much.

Angry God or Loving God is dependent on which book of scripture you are reading at the time. The angry God of the Old Testament is far more terrifying to me in his outright hostility to anyone not following his rules than an amoral and apathetic space alien god.

I think the humanoid God of the Old Testament that intentionally threatens and kills humans is more bowel-shaking terrifying than any otherworldly noodle-like appendage alien god that may not give enough of a damn about us to be hostile. I find more anxiety trying to follow the arcane rules of a very angry god is far

Why would the idea of God as inhumanely alien be anxiety provoking?

I feel equal parts happy and terrified for you.

Well then.....thanks for that. Never gonna watch Avengers the same way again.

Aw man, February 19th? But still, totally buying this series when it comes on DVD: http://www.amazon.com/Battlestar-Galactica-Unrated-Two-Disc-UltraViolet/dp/B00A3718IS

Yeah, but being dead doesn't make you an army ant.....or water. Mostly pus I should think....and some gases...

I have no idea how a messy hero story starring a big name actor against CGI monsters that violate the laws of human physical movement could possibly go wrong...

Glee cannot ruin superheroes for me. Because its fucking Glee. I neither care nor respect anything that happens on that High School Musical crap.

This was a great episode. So many great moments (Chuck reference, Castiel being his old badass self, brothers showing actual care and concern, Crowley being actually evil instead of just smarmy). But I agree that I loved the big questions of Cas seeking to atone for his sins and pushing Dean away rather than being

When you say Van Helsing, this is all I see...

You mean.....Sucker Punch wasn't supposed to be a porn movie?

......Van helsing? Really?