
I'm sorry, but as appealing as you make this by comparing it to porn (except for the kiddie porn part - gross!), I will not see this movie until they release the RiffTrax for it. It was the only way I could get through the first 15 Twilight movies (or maybe it just felt like 15 movies).

I know now why you cry....but it is something I can never do.

"Did you have an issue with X-men when magneto was trying to change everyone into mutants?"

Looks like they've pretty much given up doing both Supernatural and Walking Dead recaps, I just want to say that I really enjoyed this week's Supernatural. I think this season, with the exception of Sam's unnecessary flashbacks, are a return to form. I'm excited about the rest of the season.

I just rented it off Redbox this week and I wasn't that impressed either. It was ok. The action scenes were well-done. The effects were better than the original Spider-Man but the story was just as lame and it seemed to rehash many of the same scenes from the original but changed them "just enough" to seem different

I completely agree with you, but I just have a question: who do I have to kill to get my hands on one of those collector's edition Sailor moon wand lightsaber combination? Because that sounds like the best thing of all the things and I wantses itz, precious...

This is not Gawker. We are civil here.....unless you bring up a certain Alien prequel/not prequel that came out recently. Then the teeth come out!

I agree with most everything you said. Good article. I think that most of the animosity that you find when self-described geeks (assumed male) are raging against "fake geek girls" (there are fake people but I don't believe in the myth of the "fake geek girl) is in many cases attributable to either a misguided sense of

Ah thanks for that! Now I'm gonna be singing that all night! ;D

You just convinced me to do meth. Those were all valid points.

YES!! That is definitely the best thing to ever come out of Twilight!

I enjoy almost none of those things. You can get "Unconventional Family" from Terminator:SCC

My favorite GIF of all time.

That was actually pretty frakking awesome! Especially Episode 2. I'll definitely be keeping up with this. Brought back a little of the ol' magic from BSG S1 and S2.

You know, I was fine with this episode except for all the goddamn Sam romantic flashbacks. God, they are so annoying! Everything else about the episode was cool with me. Sure, the Confederate possession ghost was kind of goofy but, c'mon, this is Supernatural, most of the monsters of the week are kind of goofy with

Ok. Well, that was idiotic. 2012 Part 2. Did you see that scene where the zombies were climbing that gigantic wall? Look at the smaller swarm on the left. At the very top is one lone "zombie" that is RUNNING UP THE WALL BY HIMSELF without anyone pushing him up. You can't explain that. Except, Lindeloff.

Your "choices" are irrelevant. The ruler is inevitable and eternal...

Oh no, will miss you here like crazy-sauce. I love reading your articles, you are one of my favorite writers on Io9. But, I am also a Cracked reader, so I will make sure to look you up over there. Good luck with the Senior Editor job!

Ok, that is bullshit. Why are the zombies moving like that? Not even close to human movement, more like insect. In the book, they were slow like in the Walking Dead but relentless. Here they are moving like the Sentinels in the Matrix movies. God, this movie is gonna suck major dong.

If they would have made it from Marilyn's point of view and gave her a weird Patrick Bateman-esque perspective or outlook on life (including whether or not her Munster family is even real or just one of her delusions), that could have been interesting enough for me to tune in. Oh, but not on NBC! Another network like